Dear all,
I am trying to set up a keybinding for enabling/disabling touchpad in dwm. I followed the instructions provided in the wiki; installing xf86-input-synaptics and creating this script (made executable) in /home/artix/.scripts/:
declare -i ID
ID=`xinput list | grep -Eio '(touchpad|glidepoint)\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}'`
declare -i STATE
STATE=`xinput list-props $ID | grep 'Device Enabled' | awk '{print $4}'`
if [ $STATE -eq 1 ]
xinput disable $ID
xinput enable $ID
I then added these lines in my config.def.h file in my dwm folder:
static const char *distouch[] = {"/home/artix/.scripts/", NULL };
under /* appearence */
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_t, spawn, {.v = distouch } },
under /* modifier */.
After modifying the config.def.h file. I run:
sudo cp config.def.h config.h
sudo make clean install
My intention is to enable/disable the touchpad with Mod+Shift+t by running the abovementioned script, but something is wrong. Perhaps the arguments in the definition of distouch in the appearence section?