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Topic: [Tracker] Dinit support (Read 9283 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #15
Today's new builds fixed the dependency issues in Calamare installers. However, dinit still doesn't install.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #17
UPDATE: I have split the dinit package into two distinct packages: dinit-base and dinit. dinit-base is the "basic" dinit package which won't conflict with other init systems, so you can use it if you want to manage user services as described here. dinit will depend on dinit-base and will remain as the proper init package so it will conflict with other init system.
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support - spice-vdagent-dinit

Reply #18
Package spice-vdagent-dinit
In PKGBUILD, row 19, there is a typo:
    install -Dm755 spice-vdagentd.script "$pkgdir/etc/dinit.d/scripts/pice-vdagentd"
renaming pice-vdagentd to spice-vdagentd fix the problem

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #19
Package spice-vdagent-dinit
In PKGBUILD, row 19, there is a typo:
    install -Dm755 spice-vdagentd.script "$pkgdir/etc/dinit.d/scripts/pice-vdagentd"
renaming pice-vdagentd to spice-vdagentd fix the problem
Fixed. Thanks for the report and oops.
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #21
Any way to disable elogind? i don't use it at all.
I don't want remove it, only disable it.

If i try to disable it i obtain:
Code: [Select]
dinitctl: could not unlink dependency entry /etc/dinit.d/boot.d/elogind: No such file or directory
dinitctl: note: service was disabled, but will be re-enabled on restart.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #22
Any way to disable elogind? i don't use it at all.
I don't want remove it, only disable it.

If i try to disable it i obtain:
Code: [Select]
dinitctl: could not unlink dependency entry /etc/dinit.d/boot.d/elogind: No such file or directory
dinitctl: note: service was disabled, but will be re-enabled on restart.

When it gives no such file/dir in this case, it means it's not enabled for boot. There may be some other service that is starting elogind.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #23
When it gives no such file/dir in this case, it means it's not enabled for boot. There may be some other service that is starting elogind.
Sorry for the late.
Thanks for the response, but this does not solve my question.
How i can disable  elogind using dinit?

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #24
Sorry for the late.
Thanks for the response, but this does not solve my question.
How i can disable  elogind using dinit?

If you run "dinitctl stop elogind" (as root) it should tell you which active services require elogind (and you may be able to disable those). Having said that, I'm not sure you are supposed to be able to disable elogind. It's a pretty fundamental system component, depending on how things are set up. (When you say you "don't use it", I'm wondering if you're fully aware of what it actually does. You might be using it without realising. But if you're sure, that dinitctl command should give you the information you need).

(Edit: actually, that will only work if the dependencies are hard dependencies, which the output from the disable command that you already tried makes me suspect is not the case. In that case, you need to find the dependents by grepping the service description files for example, and remove elogind from them. man dinit-service for details of the service description format, online version here:

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #25
Any way to disable elogind? i don't use it at all.
I don't want remove it, only disable it.
This is a very strange request. Why not go all the way and simply remove elogind, if you want to replace it with something like seatd?

One or the other is necessary for a lot of programs to function.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #26
Many thanks for your answers :)
(When you say you "don't use it", I'm wondering if you're fully aware of what it actually does. You might be using it without realising. But if you're sure, that dinitctl command should give you the information you need).
I know i don't use it because if i stop it, all works flawlessy, and because i assembled my system with packages that don't have elogind or  logind as dependecies (no dm, no polkit, etc.).

This is a very strange request. Why not go all the way and simply remove elogind, if you want to replace it with something like seatd?
Thanks strajder, i will try this way, for what i read seatd is a good choice considering the switch to wayland in a near future.... and may be seatd can be disabled :)

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #27
I succesfully installed seatd and seatd-dinit, then removed elogind-dinit and enabled seatd.
After reboot seat is started but also elogind-daemon

i can't remove elogind for it's dependencies.
i suppose it was started by dbus, because the /proc/pidnumber/environ shows:

i make a test disabling dbus, and elogind-daemon does not start.
I will try to find where dbus starts elogind.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #28
I succesfully installed seatd and seatd-dinit, then removed elogind-dinit and enabled seatd.
After reboot seat is started but also elogind-daemon
Have you read the entire thread? With seatd installed, you can safely remove elogind as well:
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rdd elogind
After reboot, elogind-daemon won't be started.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #29
I found a way to disable the dbus login1 service adding 'disable' at the end of file name.
i tried also
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rdd elogind

xorg starts but mouse and keyboard doesn't work

furthermore, at boot this error is reported:
Code: [Select]
dinit: Service tmpfiles-setup command failed with exit code 73
[Failed] tmpfiles-setup

it seems that more work will be required to use seatd with dinit.....