[SOLVED] Qt applications seems to have high scaling after update 10 November 2021, 12:39:33 So, updated a couple of hours ago, restarted and greeted with SDDM scaled 1.5x-2x bigger. Logged in and fired up sddm-config-editor and it looks like HiDPI scaling is turned on, so i turned it off and restarted my laptop, greeted with scaled SDDM again. So i logged in and turns out HiDPI is turned on again, and i tested Dolphin and Qt5ct, and it looks they're both scaled as well. Launching Qt applications with QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 doesn't seem to fix it as well. I also saw someone on Discord using KDE with applications being scaled up as well Last Edit: 12 November 2021, 00:09:11 by nous
Re: Qt applications seems to have high scaling after update Reply #1 – 10 November 2021, 14:08:56 So after reading the post above, it looks like it isn't a Qt problem, but rather a Xorg thing. Apparently Xorg has changed its DPI detection code. I will provide the useful link is posted by calvinh on https://forum.artixlinux.org/index.php/topic,3262.0.html and mark this as solvedhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=271129