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Topic: I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide (Read 826 times) previous topic - next topic
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I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide

I'm back, but doubt anyone missed me, or noticed I was here in the first place  :D
Went over to Gentoo for about about a year but for various reasons got sick of that, then reinstalled Arch. To see if I could possibly tolerate systemd now. I can't. So I'm back.

My first ever post on here was a tongue in cheek review of the migration guide.

Migrated again and heres a few thoughts:

I decided to try with the runit init. Things made perfect sense up until "Networking", with the code blocks split between the different inits.
But the networking block I could clearly see was aimed only at openrc. I know how to bring my my static Ethernet up on the command line so I left that bit, finished the guide and rebooted. My Plasma desktop started with startx (all I ever use) straight away but no mouse. I spent a short while trying to sort that out. But I know few Plasma keyboard shortcuts and find it tiresome fault finding and fixing from the console so wiped the cloned / partition, re-cloned and started again with openrc as the init.  This time all was well and my mouse worked and very little issues at all. (I'll try a separate migration to runit from openrc in the future)

There were a few file conflicts installing the new packages. I just deleted the offending files, not a biggie but might be worth mentioning in the guide ?

This bit is wrong
Restore the Artix mirrorlist, deleted by the previous operation:
Code: [Select]
 cp -vf pacman.d/mirrorlist.artix pacman.d/mirrorlist
Should be
Code: [Select]
cp -vf /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.artix /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Also there's in a reference to the "universe" repo but this no longer exists. So autofs should maybe be removed from the guide. AFAIK it's not in your repo's just on AUR ?

As the rest of the guide is split into separate code blocks, for the various init's, maybe consider doing the same for the networking block ?

Anyway I'm in no way complaining. The idea of replacing systemd, on a working arch install, sounds almost impossible but it just works thanks to the guide. So yet again "Top bombing". Almost miraculous.

Edit: I just found the universe repo. Mainly my bad.
But maybe info on where it is ?
I just added
Code: [Select]
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
  and gave up straight away when it wasn't found!

Re: I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide

Reply #1
Well I remember you, although I hadn't noticed you had been gone an entire year! Nice to see you return.
The universe repo is mentioned on the wiki under repositories, there are even more unofficial ones too.
What isn't mentioned on the wiki is that universe now has an additional mirror, as described here:,2240.msg14938.html#msg14938
You can enable parallel downloads in pacman.conf, but I'm not sure if that's working reliably yet, there were some initial problems, hopefully it might be by now.

Re: I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide

Reply #2
The universe repo is mentioned on the wiki under repositories, there are even more unofficial ones too.
Yeah that's where I noticed it seconds after I posted which is always the way!
Imho that setup info being added to the guide would be an improvement, as might be my other suggestions ?
Looked earlier and Artix #17 on distrowatch now, and I know that's not an accurate reflection of anything really, but gone from 55 a year ago. so must surely be on the up 8)

I remember you too. Still no idea how to pronounce your name  ;)

Re: I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide

Reply #3

Re: I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide

Reply #4
A quick question about migration.

Should I try it or should I just do a clean install? I want to try and migrate from Endeavour on mywork computer. I have been reading about migrating and I keep coming across people saying the migration guide is out of date. How out of date is it?

 I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to read about gaps in the migration tutorial, when that time could just be spent reconfiguring a clean install with less headaches. Any advice?


Re: I'm back! A couple of points on the migration guide

Reply #5
A quick question about migration.

Should I try it or should I just do a clean install? I want to try and migrate from Endeavour on mywork computer. I have been reading about migrating and I keep coming across people saying the migration guide is out of date. How out of date is it?

 I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to read about gaps in the migration tutorial, when that time could just be spent reconfiguring a clean install with less headaches. Any advice?
This is a topic from August. Please open a separate topic. Locked.

Note: Migration is for advanced users that know what they are doing. In general, doing a fresh installation is the preferred way to get started on Artix.