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Topic: [SOLVED] Artix not showing in boot loader (Read 1921 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Artix not showing in boot loader

Problem: GRUB boot loader shows only "UEFI Firmware advanced settings".

Steps to reproduce:
1. Burn Artix-base-runit on a USB Stick (using rufus)
2. Boot into the USB Stick and enter using user: artix, password: artix.
3. Follow the installation guide until Boot Loader.
4. Reboot the system into GRUB.

* BIOS is set to UEFI
* Disk (/dev/sda) is partitioned GPT.
* fdisk -l /dev/sda:
/dev/sda1  EFI System  vfat32 1GB (Boot partition)
/dev/sda4  ext4   64GB (Root partition)

I formatted sda1, and mounted both sda1, sda4 to /mnt/boot and /mnt respectively, then proceeded by artix-chroot /mnt.

grup-install, grup-mkconfig proceeded with no issues. os-prober setting is set to false (i.e: it is enabled).

Already read about

Re: Artix not showing in boot loader

Reply #2
Looks like os-prober didn't run for some reason. Can you post,

Code: [Select]
$cat /etc/default/grub

and what @strajder asked above?


Re: Artix not showing in boot loader

Reply #3
What I tried: (before reading your comments)
1. installed ubuntu on a new partition
2. set /dev/sda1 for boot loader (autoconfigured by ubuntu).
3. Now that ubuntu installed grub, it displays Artix but startup freezes with "lenovo" logo. (problem not solved)

After reading your comments: (trying again)
0. Boot into artix .iso on USB (DD image)
1. 1mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sda1;  fatlabel /dev/sda1 BOOT`: Wipe out /dev/sda1 (after backing it up)
2. Mount all, `chroot`, then `basestrap`.
3. Enter `grub` config commands for UEFI on Installation#Boot_Loader

I haven't changed /etc/default/grub, only appended:
Code: [Select]

After repeating the steps:
1. boot loader screen is Artix-themed
2. did not detect artix on /dev/sda5
3. did not detect ubuntu on /dev/sda4
4. detected EndeavourOS on /dev/sda6, but boots into a blank screen.

Re: Artix not showing in boot loader

Reply #5
I removed /boot from sda4, then mounted it, then mounted sda1 to /mnt/boot,

Re: Artix not showing in boot loader

Reply #7
I solved the problem. Seems like the problem was in reinstalled kernel correctly (check if you corrupted your /boot directory for any reason).