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Topic: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Read 4451 times) previous topic - next topic
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Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This is my first time posting some issue i have on a forum, please be patient.

So, after a system update through pacman -syyu, blender will not open with the error:

Code: [Select]
 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" 

after some search i deducted that libtbb comes from the package tbb on the repository, which has two versions: world/tbb(newer) and  extra/tbb(older).

using the newer i get the error above, and using the older i get:

Code: [Select]
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

blender is currently at version:  blender-17:2.93.6-1

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #1
This is my first time posting some issue i have on a forum, please be patient.

So, after a system update through pacman -syyu, blender will not open with the error:

Code: [Select]
 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" 

after some search i deducted that libtbb comes from the package tbb on the repository, which has two versions: world/tbb(newer) and  extra/tbb(older).

using the newer i get the error above, and using the older i get:

Code: [Select]
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

blender is currently at version:  blender-17:2.93.6-1

You could enable [testing] from Arch to get Blender that is built against newer tbb.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #2
I tried using gremlins/tbb,no luck. world/tbb and testing/tbb are on the same version, the three provides the same error:

Code: [Select]
 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #3
I tried using gremlins/tbb,no luck. world/tbb and testing/tbb are on the same version, the three provides the same error:

Code: [Select]
 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

blender is from Arch, which means you need to enable testing  from Arch repo to use Blender linked against newer tbb.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #4
I've got exactly the same issue like reifelinus.

blender is from Arch, which means you need to enable testing  from Arch repo to use Blender linked against newer tbb.

I installed the newer Blender version from Arch community-testing, but still the same error.

And I tried the different tbb from extra and world. The strange thing is:

When I install the older tbb, (extra) it installs the newer version "" in my lib folder. But then Blender is looking for the older and I get:

blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

when I install the newer tbb (world), it installs the older version "" in my lib folder. But then Blender is looking for the newer and I get:

blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #5
NOTE: My solution involves using the downgrade command so use it at your own risk. I upgrade my system once a month and always create a clone of the system before upgrading.

I ran into this problem with blender-2.93.6-1 too and dug deeper into the problem. Basically what I found is that some libs this blender build depends on where updated to work with the newer tbb-2020.3.0-2 ( package and some still used the older tbb-2020.3-1 ( package. So after doing a system update today blender was looking for both the older and newer versions of the tbb package.

Hacking away with the ldd and downgrade commands I found the reason for this comes from these four packages blender depends on...

embree, openimagedenoise, opensubdiv and openvdb

...which depending on the version of these packages installed depend on either the older or newer version of the tbb (libtbb) package.

The fix for me was to use the downgrade command to select the older tbb-2020.3-1 ( package and the four package versions that all use the older library...

blender-2.93.6-1 - dependency issues
* tbb-2020.3-1 (ldd -d /usr/lib/

* embree-3.13.2-1 (ldd -d /usr/lib/
* openimagedenoise-1.4.1-1 (ldd -d /usr/lib/
* opensubdiv-3.4.4-7 (ldd -d /usr/lib/
* openvdb-9.0.0-2 (ldd -d /usr/lib/

...after that the blender-2.93.6-1 build launched without a problem. I also added blender and these five package dependencies to my IgnorePkg list to avoid blender breaking with future package updates. Hope this is helpful!

For anyone who is interested I figured this out by running...

Code: [Select]
ldd -d /usr/bin/blender show which blender dependencies where causing the error. Then I ran the same ldd -d command on those libraries to discover what was breaking them. The tbb version was the common factor. I then used downgrade on these dependencies to figure out which versions of those packages used the older library. Just some trail and error hacking.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #6
If you're using the newer tbb from testing, you should also be sure to enable all the testing repos (gremlins, galaxy-gremlins, community-testing, etc.)

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #7
Sorry for late response, as i was occupied by other things.

Well, today i was doing some tests and i found the following things:

Apparently it's not only blender that is having problems with tbb, i've found that easyeffects also has the same problem with tbb version.

i don't know if this is useful information, but the binary from the official blender site seems to work fine in my machine.

The thing i want to ask is: is it safe to mix the testing with the stable branch on Artix? I had some bad experiences doing this with some others distros  *cough*gentoo*cough*.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #8
I think Erdy explained the problem better, even using the tbb from the testing branch the error still occurs, i tried using blender and tbb from the testing branch and both would still produce the same error.  I enabled all the testing branches and tried all tbb versions.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #9
easyeffects also has the same problem with tbb version.

I got hit by this earlier when I tried to start easyeffects to watch a film (Loudness Equalizer preset).
I could have downgraded tbb but instead I just rebuilt easyeffects.
Get the PKGBUILD, compile and install.
I have yay so
Code: [Select]
yay -G easyeffects
cd easyeffects
makepkg -si
Just putting this out there as another option. Downgrading could have issues with other packages at times.
Edit: And enabling 'testing' across the board (a suggestion for your Blender problem) would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, imho.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #10
Arch still has an older tbb version in extra unfortunately. We upgraded it before they did because it was causing us some problems. That said, having all the testing repos enabled should work. All the dependencies should be linked against the newer tbb.

Re: Blender: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Reply #11
The solution by gripped worked. Thank y'all