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Topic: More Packages Recommended from Arch Mirrors (Read 896 times) previous topic - next topic
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More Packages Recommended from Arch Mirrors

Hi maintainers. I used to require V2Ray into official repositories. And now, I will recommend more important packages that I use and hardly find alternatives to.

Android-tools contains adb and fastboot to manipulate android devices.

Calibre is commonly used to manage ebooks, although it has many dependencies.

Cbatticon is recommended to show a battery icon in the system tray.

Input methods
Fcitx, Fcitx5 and Rime are widely used by CJK users to input CJK characters. Packages with high qualities include fcitx, fcitx-configtool, fcitx-rime, their fcitx5 counterparts, their input method modules in Arch repositories, librime and rime-*.

Proxychains-NG can set proxies for programs that connect internet through glibc, and is usually used in the command line with V2Ray or Tor.

Gammastep is a fork of redshift that support Wayland.

Re: More Packages Recommended from Arch Mirrors

Reply #1
The have been more requests for android-tools. This has now been added the omniverse repo, as well as gammastep and cbattico.

Calibre is updated every week. I use it myself and occasionally update it using:
Code: [Select]
wget -nv -O- | sh /dev/stdin install_dir=~/calibre-bin isolated=y
Calibre can then be used as a non-root user and allows for simple plugin installation.

Re: More Packages Recommended from Arch Mirrors

Reply #2
I would not be opposed to adding more packages to our repos. Right now we're in the middle of python rebuilds so we'll probably save this for afterwards but one of my personal goals is to not need any arch repos enabled at all.

Re: More Packages Recommended from Arch Mirrors

Reply #3
Calibre can then be used as a non-root user and allows for simple plugin installation.

I find that Calibre installed in this way could not pick the system theme. The same story happened here.