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Topic: Possible package version problem (Read 1492 times) previous topic - next topic
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Possible package version problem

During an update, I observed the following output of yaourt:
Code: [Select]
==> Package upgrade only (new release):
world/clang                            5.0.0-1         1 -> 1
world/tcl                              8.6.7-1         1 -> 1
extra/qtcreator                        4.5.0-1         1 -> 2
==> Software upgrade (new version) :
extra/tk                               8.6.7-2         -> 8.6.8-2
warning: clang-5.0.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: tcl-8.6.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "tcl=8.6.8", a dependency of "tk"
warning: cannot resolve "clang=5.0.1", a dependency of "qtcreator"
:: The following packages cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
      tk  qtcreator
Packages ... clang-5.0.0-1  ...  tcl-8.6.7-1

From a search of the Arch packages:
- clang is now at version 5.0.1-1
- tcl is now at version 8.6.8-1

I suspect there is a problem with package versioning in the Artix World repository in that the package major and minor version values are correct but the incremental number is not being changed (e.g. clang is supposed to go from 5.0.0-1 to 5.0.1-1).

IRC this would be an issue in the PKGBUILD file.

Re: Possible package version problem

Reply #1
IRC this would be an issue in the PKGBUILD file.

Ehh no.... It's just stable repos are very slow in catching up with arch

Both clang[1] and tcl[2] already updated in world-testing weeks ago. Either wait them to be merged into stable repo or switch to testing

[1] -
[2] -
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: Possible package version problem

Reply #2
That Artix stable is not keeping up with Arch stable in a timely manner does not leave a positive impression.
Jumping to testing branch to keep up is not optimal for me.

Re: Possible package version problem

Reply #3
It's rather confusing when yaourt wants to re-install packages. Not sure what is going on here but it's the re-install that leads me to believe there was a problem with the packages.

Re: Possible package version problem

Reply #4
It's rather confusing when yaourt wants to re-install packages. Not sure what is going on here but it's the re-install that leads me to believe there was a problem with the packages.

That's what you get for relying an aur helper for updating pacman packages. And no, there are no problems with the packages whatsoever

Stable repo has been updated recently with new packages, wait for the mirrors to be fully synced then re-run the update command


That Artix stable is not keeping up with Arch stable in a timely manner does not leave a positive impression.
Jumping to testing branch to keep up is not optimal for me.

Suit yourself
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: Possible package version problem

Reply #5
@scottfurry  Artix currently uses mixed repositories. Most (all?) [core] packages are available in [system], but not all [extra] or [community] packages are available in [world] or [galaxy]. The Artix guys are working on de-systemd-ifying it all, and that will take time. So until then there will be frequent mismatches. Sometimes because Artix updates its packages faster than Arch, and sometimes because it is slower. If you want to use this distro right now, you'll have to live with this, by being careful and knowing what you update. Or you can just pop into the IRC if there is a huge update and you aren't sure.

Re: Possible package version problem

Reply #6
A word on the still incomplete artix repos.

In order for us to complete the world repo, it would be very helpful if users uncomment in their /etc/pacman.conf

Code: [Select]

This will show for pacman update operations a full list with the source repo the update is coming from.

If you encounter packages from arch's extra repo(except desktop environment packages, eg lxqt, plasma/kf5, gnome), please report the package name at best on github.