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Topic: [SOLVED] Problems installing some programs from aur (Read 2416 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Problems installing some programs from aur

Hey guys, I'm kinda new to artix and arch-based distros in general, so please, be patient  :'(

So, I'm trying to install ttf-ms-fonts and minecraft-launcher from the aur, without success. I go to the terminal and sudo pacman -Ss ttf-ms-fonts and it give me nothing. Yes, I have installed the artix-archlinux-support, added it to the /etc/pacman.conf file, even installed the multilib arch support and even activated omniverse, universe and lib32 and synchronized it. I'm out of ideas, please halp.
I don't know if it changes anything, but i'm using artix xfce.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #1
pacman neither works nor searches anything in AUR.  pacman works with official repos only and does not work with AUR.

To work with AUR, you need to install (one of many) AUR helpers.  I'd suggest yay or yaourtix packages.  Both are present in [universe] Artix repo.

To install yay:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu yay

To install yaourtix:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu yaourtix

These two work with both official repos and AUR.

yaourtix package provides yaourt command - write yaourt, not yaourtix in terrminal.

yaourt syntax and usage are very close to pacman.  yay syntax and usage are rather different from pacman.

Neither yay nor yaourt require elevated privileges when launched - never run them with sudo.

To install ttf-ms-fonts with yay:
Code: [Select]
yay -S ttf-ms-fonts

To install ttf-ms-fonts with yaourt:
Code: [Select]
yaourt -S ttf-ms-fonts

Edit: Typo

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #2
Warning: AUR packages are user-produced content. These PKGBUILDs are completely unofficial and have not been thoroughly vetted. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk.
As in Arch, so in Artix.

An article on AUR helpers with the complete list of available AUR helpers:,3186.msg21093.html#msg21093

Next time,,1923.0.html
First go through and

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #3
Yeah man, looks like its trying to download but still giving me errors, its probally because I don't know how to use, so... am doing correctly?

Code: [Select]
eduardo-pc:[eduardo]:~$ yay -S ttf-ms-win10
:: There are 2 providers available for ttf-ms-win10:
:: Repository AUR
    1) ttf-ms-win10 2) ttf-ms-win10-auto

Enter a number (default=1): 1
:: Checking for conflicts...
:: Checking for inner conflicts...
[Aur:1]  ttf-ms-win10-10.0.19043.1055-1

  1 ttf-ms-win10                             (Build Files Exist)
==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> 4
:: PKGBUILD up to date, Skipping (1/0): ttf-ms-win10
  1 ttf-ms-win10                             (Build Files Exist)
==> Diffs to show?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> 4
:: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: ttf-ms-win10
==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.
 -> error downloading sources: ttf-ms-win10
context: exit status 15

==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.
 -> error making: ttf-ms-win10

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #4
I tried using option 1 before, but it got stuck (I guess) and I thought I needed to reboot before using it, hopefully it didn't break anything.

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #5
You need to,

Code: [Select]
$sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel

before you can use AUR.

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #6
It just gave me a buch of errors of not found and that one or more files did not pass the validity check now... I guess I should be asking somewhere else about that right?

Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #7
It just gave me a buch of errors of not found and that one or more files did not pass the validity check now... I guess I should be asking somewhere else about that right?

Read the F.A.Q. in the package's page., or install ttf-ms-win10-auto instead.


Re: Problems installing some programs from aur

Reply #8
Dude. You got patience, didn't thought of that and I actually managed to install. Thanks everybody that helped.