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Topic: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC (Read 1996 times) previous topic - next topic
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Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

I am trying to install Artix to UEFI-only PC, so looks like I need to make 3 partitions:
1) /boot/efi - FAT32 ||| flags: boot, esp ||| 1 GB size
2) linuxswap - swap ||| flags: swap ||| twice the size of RAM
3) / - ext4 ||| flags: root ||| the remaining HDD space
But, as soon as I start the installation, it is always stuck at
9% progress bar - creating new fat32 partition at /dev/sda
I've tried different flags and different partition sizes, but it doesn't help - always stuck :P
HDD is 100% ok . I am using the latest Artix ISO : 2018-01-05 , dd to USB flash drive
Tried automatic partitioning - also stuck at the same place :-[
also, Calamares loads 100% it's occuppied CPU core


Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #1
I don't think its stuck just doing its job downloading packages this is a net install start the installer  with sudo calamares   -d  then you will see what is happening in the terminal. then repost the error if their is one

Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #2
I don't think its stuck just doing its job downloading packages this is a net install start the installer  with sudo calamares   -d  then you will see what is happening in the terminal. then repost the error if their is one
Tried again with sudo calamares -d : indeed the last action in logs was
Starting job "Create new partition 300 MB at /dev/sda (ATA TOSHIBA MK7559GS) with fat32 filesystem"
Waited 2 hours with a high speed connection and still no advance - so its indeed stuck there,
not downloading any packages

Now I will try to use gparted to create that FAT32 partition before using calamares,
maybe it could help to go beyond that dead point

Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #3
I'll be uploading a new iso tonight.
The partitioning issue escaped attention, my test was with just reformatting partitions that had been already present.

Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #4
I'll be uploading a new iso tonight.
The partitioning issue escaped attention, my test was with just reformatting partitions that had been already present.
I've partitioned manually with gparted or partitionmanager, then I noticed
my FAT32 partition (which is intended to become /boot/efi) has msftdata flag -
- and calamares is unable to remove msftdata flag, and cannot set boot or esp flags
which are required for a successful installation

Launched parted /dev/sda in terminal and had to do the following steps:
(parted) print /dev/sda
(parted) rm 1 <--- 1 is a number of my FAT32 partition
(parted) mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 100% <--- my previous fat32 partition started at 1MiB and was 1GB till the next partition,
trying to make a new fat32 partition of exactly the same size
(parted) print /dev/sda <--- damned msftdata flag is still there
(parted) set 1 boot on <--- it got replaced with boot and esp !
(parted) print all
(parted) quit

Then launched calamares, used these existing partitions, and - SUCCESS !  ;)
So it looks like not just the partitioner is broken, it's also unable to set the flags

Thank you very much for Artix wonderful pure distro, without systemd heresy !  :)

P.S. Also had to install broadcom-wl-dkms package for my crappy Broadcom, now it works

Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #6
@kenny_w  asked the same exact thing almost at the same time at,348.0.html

Maybe if this is the problem use gparted or pacman -S gparted if it is not available, make a partition, then tell calamares to replace that partition.  Otherwise try Artix_IV.iso

Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #7
@kenny_w  asked the same exact thing almost at the same time at,348.0.html

Maybe if this is the problem use gparted or pacman -S gparted if it is not available, make a partition, then tell calamares to replace that partition.  Otherwise try Artix_IV.iso

The last time I mentioned this, there was an uproar, but I will repeate it....

Historically, there is a problem trying to access hard drives on Toshiba systems with Free software.

Re: Calamares is always stuck at 9% (creating FAT32 partition) , UEFI-only PC

Reply #8
what is the difference in using gparted and cfdisk?