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Topic: Programs stopping immediately after starting (Read 737 times) previous topic - next topic
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Programs stopping immediately after starting

I've been having an issue on a fresh install where certain programs close immediately after I try to open them. The 2 main ones i have noticed are Bitwarden and torrent clients. Is this a common issue? Any information would be appreciated.

Re: Programs stopping immediately after starting

Reply #1
in common case you want to put terminal output to figure out what went wrong.

And some issues could be faced due to qt incompatibilities. For instance (once more) my telegram and qbittorrent fail to start right now over:
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (6.2.2) with this library (6.2.3)

Re: Programs stopping immediately after starting

Reply #2
Some programs like torrent clients can be configured to start minimized to tray.

In other cases, programs crashing after start may be a symptom of crumbling HDD (if your root partition is on HDD).

Re: Programs stopping immediately after starting

Reply #3
in common case you want to put terminal output to figure out what went wrong.

And some issues could be faced due to qt incompatibilities. For instance (once more) my telegram and qbittorrent fail to start right now over:

There is a telegram-desktop package in the omniverse repository that works on fully updated systems. It requires ffmpeg-compat-58 to be installed as well.
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Re: Programs stopping immediately after starting

Reply #4
There is a telegram-desktop package in the omniverse repository that works on fully updated systems. It requires ffmpeg-compat-58 to be installed as well.
Thanks at first, you saved (again) my day.

My problem was, 'kotatogram-desktop' (a substitute of 'telegram-desktop') don't start anymore after `sudo pacman -Syyu`.
Typing the command `kotatogram-desktop` in the terminal give me out:
Code: [Select]
kotatogram-desktop: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Reinstalling `ffmpeg` which is related to `` don't bring any usable results until, I casually discover your answer and try it out `paru ffmpeg-compat-58`.

Finally, I lose one day cause of misleading error-message and improvisely disappearing of necessary dependency `ffmpeg-compat-58`.

I would thank you again for solving my problem, anyway, a better 'Error-Message' and/or a 'Check' if programs are installed which need `ffmpeg-compat-58` as dependency and his reinstall would avoid many "problems".

Thank you All guys for making efforts meliorating this daily changing world of Artix.