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Topic: Edit fonts.conf without breaking lxqt config (Read 507 times) previous topic - next topic
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Edit fonts.conf without breaking lxqt config

I want to edit my fonts.conf (located at $HOME/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf) to add fallback fonts, because there are missing characters from different languages. I am following the guide from At the very top of the file, it has a comment that says
Code: [Select]
<!-- created by lxqt-config-appearance (DO NOT EDIT!) -->
. Will adding the fallback font order to this config file break anything? Here is the full file:

distro: artix lxqt s6
wm: openbox

Re: Edit fonts.conf without breaking lxqt config

Reply #2
Creating your own (or editing the existing) fonts.conf generally speaking won't break anything, but, as stated in that comment, using the LXQt Appearance Configuration application will just overwrite that file.
A (not-so-elegant) workaround to that would be either change fonts.conf's permissions to read-only (444) or changing its ownership to another user (e.g. root). Thus, LXQt won't overwrite it, but I'm not sure how hard would it complain about it.