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Topic: Openrc 'Some local filesystems failed to mount' (Read 571 times) previous topic - next topic
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Openrc 'Some local filesystems failed to mount'

Recently (can't remember when it started, sorry) I've been seeing an error message on boot in openrc. It says
Code: [Select]
Mounting local filesystems
/bin/sh: line 1: portal: command not found

Some local filesystems failed to mount
It's only ever shown on the screen and leaves no trace in rc.log.
Once booted, I notice no difference, but this message annoys me and there must be something going wrong at boot for this to happen
My enabled services are:
Code: [Select]
          agetty.tty1 |      default
          agetty.tty2 |      default
          agetty.tty3 |      default
          agetty.tty4 |      default
          agetty.tty5 |      default
          agetty.tty6 |      default
               binfmt | boot
             bootmisc | boot
              cgroups |                                 sysinit
             connmand |                                 sysinit
                cupsd |      default
                 dbus |      default
                devfs |                                 sysinit
                dmesg |                                 sysinit
              elogind | boot default
                 fsck | boot
             hostname | boot default
              hwclock | boot
              keymaps | boot
            killprocs |                        shutdown
    kmod-static-nodes |                                 sysinit
                local |      default nonetwork
           localmount | boot
             loopback | boot
              modules | boot
             mount-ro |                        shutdown
                 mtab | boot
               net.lo | boot
             netmount |      default
         opensysusers | boot
     opentmpfiles-dev |                                 sysinit
   opentmpfiles-setup | boot
               procfs | boot
                 root | boot
         save-keymaps | boot
    save-termencoding | boot
            savecache |                        shutdown
                 swap | boot
               sysctl | boot
                sysfs |                                 sysinit
         termencoding | boot
                 udev |                                 sysinit
         udev-trigger |                                 sysinit
Code: [Select]
cat /etc/init.d/* | grep portal
produces nothing, I have no idea where or what is causing this
Let me know if anyone needs more info, not sure what else would help here.

Re: Openrc 'Some local filesystems failed to mount'

Reply #1
Code: [Select]
cat /etc/init.d/* | grep portal
produces nothing, I have no idea where or what is causing this
Code: [Select]
grep -ri portal /etc/init.d

The script which mounts local filesystems is here:

More precisely,

What is in your /etc/fstab? Have you (or some program/script you ran) modified /etc/init.d/localmount?

Re: Openrc 'Some local filesystems failed to mount'

Reply #2
Thanks for the quick reply
Code: [Select]
grep -ri portal /etc/init.d
also returns nothing
my fstab:
Code: [Select]
# /dev/sda2 LABEL=ROOT
UUID=30ef4c25-8216-42bd-8bf5-8c37a538a5d1 /         ext4      rw,relatime 0 1

# portal
portal              /run/user/1000/doc fuse.portal rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=1000,group_id=10000 0

# /dev/sda1 LABEL=BOOT
UUID=4702-EB6D      /boot     vfat      rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 2

# /dev/sdb1
UUID=1ef2b196-e2e1-43d4-a827-3b366ab9c131 /mnt      ext4      rw,relatime 0 2
I downloaded the script from the link you posted and ran :
Code: [Select]
diff /etc/init.d/localmount ~/Downloads/localmount
, which produced:
Code: [Select]
< #!/usr/bin/openrc-run
> #!@SBINDIR@/openrc-run
< #
> #
< # distribution and at
> # distribution and at
This is quite strange, but it has no consequence on my system so I'm not sure if it's worth diving more into it
Edit: just saw the portal section in my fstab, that must be what's causing it, I'm going to try commenting that out and rebooting
Edit 2: Yep, commenting that out fixed the issue.