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Topic: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel (Read 999 times) previous topic - next topic
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Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

I've installed Artix without encountering any errors in the terminal. However, on rebooting, GRUB loads, allows me to select Artix, and then begins loading the kernel. It prints "Loading Linux linux" and does not continue. I've left it on for ten minutes without any change.

For some context, this is on a BIOS system with a MBR label. It's dual booting (although, admittedly, I haven't set up Windows to show up on GRUB). Windows was installed first, so it occupies the first areas of the SSD.

Using the LiveCD, I'm able to access the files on the Linux installation.

Installation Media: artix-base-openrc-20220123-x86_64
System: Dell Optiplex 790
OSes: Windows 10 and the aforementioned version of Artix
CPU: Intel i7-2600
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980ti
Memory: 16 GB

I am not yet learned in the ways of Loonix; if more information is needed, I'd be more than happy to provide it. Thanks!

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #1
How have you installed GRUB? If you followed the official guide, then only one of the grub-install commands need to be issued, depending on your system type (BIOS vs UEFI). Also, those are (obviously!) not the exact commands, as they include the additional comments:
Code: [Select]
 pacman -S grub os-prober efibootmgr
 grub-install --recheck /dev/sda (for BIOS systems)
 grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=grub (for UEFI systems)
 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Edit: I updated that section by introducing comment marks.

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #2
Thanks for the response. I did the first command, the one for BIOS systems, and the grub-mkconfig command.

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #4
GRUB did not report any errors during the installation or on booting.
The computer boots to GRUB, allows me to select Artix, and states: "Loadling Linux linux".

That page you linked might be a good start. This page on dual booting with Windows states that Windows creates a partition at the start of the table. I wasn't really sure what to do with that when installing. It looked like that was for UEFI systems only. I installed GRUB inside of a logical partition pretty deep into the table. Should I overwrite what's in that partition and install GRUB there?

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #5
I installed GRUB inside of a logical partition pretty deep into the table. Should I overwrite what's in that partition and install GRUB there?
What exact commands did you use to "install GRUB inside of a logical partition pretty deep into the table"?

Please supply the output of
Code: [Select]
fdisk -l /dev/sdX   # sdX = your hard disk
Code: [Select]
lsblk -f
from the LiveISO.

Also see here:

You need to install GRUB in MBR, with a bootable primary partition if you want BIOS/MBR. UEFI/GPT doesn't have such limitations.

Edit: Did you remember to mount your /dev/sdX to /mnt before basestrap-ing the packages? If you did, pacman hook should have ran mkinitcpio without errors (save those about "missing firmware", which can be ignored).

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #6
I didn't stray from the commands listed on the guide for the installation of GRUB.
Replying to the edit: I mounted properly. artix-chroot works reliably without fail when booting from the livecd. Basestrap worked without fault.

Since this is on a different computer, I can't copy and paste the output. If empty, a UUID, or related to the ISO, I will omit where possible to keep it clean. I've omitted the entries under the MAJ:MIN, RM, and RO headers. RM and RO are all 0.

lsblk -l /dev/sda:
Code: [Select]
sda - 931.5G - disk
sda1 - 529M - part - the aforementioned partition made by Windows
sda2 - 863G - part - Windows
sda3 - 521M - part - Windows recovery
sda4 - 1K - part - Extended
sda5 - 62G - part - Main Linux partition, logical partition of sda4
sda6 - 2G - part - Swap partition, logical partition of sda4
lsblk -f
Code: [Select]
sda1 - NTFS - N/A - System Reserved
sda2 - NTFS
sda3 - NTFS
sda5 - ext4 - 1.0 - ROOT - 55.7G - 3% - /mnt
sda6 - swap - 1 - SWAP - N/A - N/A - [SWAP]

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #7
After booting up, GRUB allows me to edit the commands run after selecting Artix:
Code: [Select]
setparams 'Artix Linux, with Linux linux'

set gfxpayload=keep
insmod gzio
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='hd0,msdos5'
if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd\0,msdos5, --hint-efi=hd0,sdos5 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos5 8af4e926-4\c25-41da-86c2-a4668a4f996d
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 8af4e926-4c25-\41da-86c2-a4668a4f996d
echo 'Loading Linux linux ...'
linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=/dev/sda5 rw logl\evel=3 quiet

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #8
After booting up, GRUB allows me to edit the commands run after selecting Artix:
Code: [Select]
echo 'Loading Linux linux ...'
linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=/dev/sda5 rw logl\evel=3 quiet
Remove 'quiet' and add 'nomodeset' to possibly get more information about the kernel boot process.

Re: Boot Freezes when Loading Kernel

Reply #9
Thanks for all the help; I didn't find a solution, though. I decided to just wipe the disk and start from scratch. Shockingly, it's much easier to just install Artix alone. :-P