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Topic: [SOLVED] OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console (Read 825 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Hello, this is my first post here. Ive been using arch Linux for 2 years, and switched over to Artix recently. I'm not a power user, just a hobbyist who hates windows spyware. After I did an update and reboot after the update, my machine will not boot to the normal login screen for Plasma. My system is up to date, and the only error I see is during the start up console screen that flashes all the things that are starting. I can't scroll up to see what failed because it goes so fast. I thought I saw it was nvidia so I deleted all my nvidia packages and reinstalled them with pacman, still not fixed. Then I tried deleting and reinstalling Plasma with pacman, not fixed. I tried installing xfce and no fix. I tried using the Intramfs fallback Artix option in the bootup, and I'm all out of ideas now. Do any of you guys know what's going on here? I have normal function in my terminal, and the sddm service is working fine according to rc-service or openrc, whatever command would tell me if its running.

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #1
If you don't have a graphical login screen at boot (which is a responsibility of your display manager, sddm), then either your DM (sddm) or X.Org are not working properly. The only way that issues can be debugged is by looking at logs. /var/log contains a number of logs, the most relevant of which would be Xorg.0.log and sddm.log.

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #2
Most likely a problem with nvidia, see if the nvidia module is loaded: lsmod | grep nvidia
If not, you need to re-install the relevant package or better use the -dkms version (e.g. nvidia-dkms, if your card is recent enough).

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #3
`lsmod | grep nvidia` = i2c_nvidia_gpu 16384  0

I tried downloading the nvidia-dkms package, openrc-utils, and the nvidia settings fresh and it didn't work either

I just scrolled through the logs and nothing stood out, I saw a lot of success messages and I didn't see any failures. I tried SSHing into my desktop with the problems from my working Artix laptop and I cant get in to copy the logs to send you. Any suggestions? Thanks for your reply by the way

 Also my GPU is a RTX 2080 Super, and I have a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, with 16gb RAM

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #4
Trying to install nvidia-dkms ouputs this

file: /usr/lib/ is empty, not checked.
file: /usr/lib/ is empty, not checked.
file: /usr/lib/ is empty not checked
file: /usr/lib/ is empty, not checked.

Then it failed to load modules from

/lib/modules/5.16.7-artix1-1/extramodules/nvidia-* (wildcard, too many to type)

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #5
You're making progress. Find which packages own those files, e.g.
Code: [Select]
$ pacman -Qo /usr/lib/
and remove them. You may need to use -Rdd. Then re-install them.
If this fails, remove all nvidia-related packages (pacman -Qq | grep nvidia) and re-install, starting with nvidia-dkms (it will pull nvidia-utils with it).

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #6
I did the pacman -Qo command you said, and the ouput was nothing owns that file destination, then I used the flags pacman -Rscn to delete all nvidia packages and then i used pacman to install the nvidia-dkms package you said. There were some 'failed to load symbols' errors but I restarted the computer to see if it works. It doesn't work Im still booting right into the console

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #7
I did the pacman -Qo command you said, and the ouput was nothing owns that file destination
That means they were leftovers from an aborted/broken update or a crash. You may safely remove them
, then I used the flags pacman -Rscn to delete all nvidia packages and then i used pacman to install the nvidia-dkms package you said. There were some 'failed to load symbols' errors but I restarted the computer to see if it works. It doesn't work Im still booting right into the console
SDDM/Xorg won't start until the nvidia module is correctly loaded, i.e. the nvidia(-dkms) package is correctly installed. What's your running kernel? uname -a and pacman -Q|grep linux -- also, is the system fully updated? The 'failed to load symbols' error is not a good indication. If all else fails, remove nvidia-dkms and install nvidia as your card is more than recent enough and supported. Both nvidia and linux packages must be the latest, or the module won't load.

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #8
Hello, sorry for the delay I was at Mass. There are leftover packages, huh? I will try doing a `rm -rf` of the file youre taking about and then redownloading just the nvidia package. Everything is up to date. Before I did the last update following the reboot which my complaint is about I had my computer running for about 5 days before the reboot. Sudo pacman -Syu says everything is updated, and Yay -Syu say everything is updated.

My system info is this:
OS: Artix x86_64
Kernel: 5.16.7-artix1-1

The results were downloading nvidia with pacman shows nvidia-drm.ko.xz exists in file system along with modeset, peermem, uvm, and plainly nvidia.ko.xz, they all exist in the file system. When I try doing the nvidia-dkms it results in failed to load sumbols from lib/modules/artix/extramodules.nvidia-*modeset,peermem,drm,uvm.

Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #9
Ok, with nvidia installed (not dkms) is the module loaded? If not, try modprobe nvidia and report what happens in console and dmesg.


Re: OpenRC, System Update, then Reboot: Machine Only Boots to Console

Reply #10
What I did was did sudo pacman -Qs nvidia to see my nvidia packages. Even though I tried uninstalling nvidia-dkms before it stayed behind. I had error messages about conflicting files in the /extramodules/ nvidia place. I did a sudo rm -rf of those conflicting files, did a successful delete of nvidia-dkms afterwards, and I did a successful install of nvidia (Standard). I also did an update (pacman -Syu) afterwards which was Lirc.


All hail sudo rm -rf until things work.