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Topic: No display manager after system upgrade. (Read 1401 times) previous topic - next topic
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No display manager after system upgrade.

On booting after a system update, I only get to a login prompt on a tty.  I'm seeking help from my phone, which is painful.  The lead I'm following is that
Code: [Select]
sudo s6-svstat /run/service/sddm
Code: [Select]
down (exitcode 0) ...
and running
Code: [Select]
sudo s6-rc -u change sddm
Code: [Select]
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp2-tss-fapi.conf:2: Failed to resolve user 'tss': No such process
Failed to parse ACL "default:group:tss:rwx": Invalid argument. Ignoring
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp2-tss-fapi.conf:4: Failed to resolve user 'tss': No such process
Failed to parse ACL "default:group:tss:rwx": Invalid argument. Ignoring
s6-rc: warning: unable to start service tmpfiles-setup: commandexited 65

Just wanted to add that I grep'd ps -ef for sddm and it showed an s6-supervise process (only).

Also, in looking into the Xorg log file, I saw:
Code: [Select]
systemd-logind: logind integration requires -keeptty and -keeptty was not provided, disabling logind integration
But looking into this, it seemed like this might just be an irrelevant message, as others seemed to say it didn't affect anything.

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #1
You can always start xorg from the tty. No need to hurt yourself by using a phone.

Anyways, tmpfiles-setup not starting correctly is the problem in your case. The tpm2-tss-fapi.conf file comes from the tpm2-tss package. This package has also has a sysusers file that creates the tss user. I do not know why the user is missing in your case but this is clearly not correct. You could try reinstalling tpm2-tss I suppose and seeing if that recreates the user.

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #2
*groan* (anticipating creating another post from my phone).  I can get a graphical env. from the tty?  I tried startx but this failed... no xterm or xclock installed.  So I installed them and startx gave me 3 (it looks like) xterms with the tiniest font and *nothing* else (except the xclock).  This is not an env. I can work in, so back on the phone.  Aside, this tiny, tiny font is the same size (roughly) as in the tty's.  Such a tiny default seems like almost deliberate torture.

Anyway, reinstalling tpm2-tss gives an error which I obviously missed on my (large) system update (that's RV life).

Code: [Select]
(1/1) reinstalling tmp2-tss
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/3) Creating system user accounts...
Creating group 'tss' with GID 975.
Creating user 'tss' (tss user for tmp2) with UID 975 and GID 975.
Failed to write files: Invalid argument
error: command failed to execute correctly
(2/3) Creating temporary files...
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tpm2-tss-fapi.conf:2: Failed to resolve user 'tss':No such process

Followed by the same 3 lines following the above from my previous post.

Am I correct in assuming this tpm2-tss is something new?  Because my system worked fine before the update.  And, presumably, the update didn't *remove* the 'tss' user.

'Failed to write files' made me wonder if something got mounted read-only, but / is mounted 'rw'.
Interestingly, I have an ' openrc' mounted (???), just as an aside (this running s6).

I find in pac-man.log a number of 'Failed to write files' errors, all preceded by [ALPM-SCRIPTLET], all of which seem to be invoked as a result of:
Code: [Select]
[ALPM] running '20-sysusers.hook'...

but only the last 2 of which relate to this 'tss' problem (one from the update and the last from my manual reinstall attempt).

One additional note: at the end of a pacman run now, it informs me:
Code: [Select]
warning: openal: local (1.21.1-3.1) is newer than world (1.21.1-3)

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #3
I tried startx but this failed... no xterm or xclock installed.  So I installed them and startx gave me 3 (it looks like) xterms with the tiniest font and *nothing* else (except the xclock).
That's the default configuration. Create your own ~/.xinitrc and put some working X program you have installed as the last line:

For example, I use dwm as a window manager, without any desktop environment, and my ~/.xinitrc looks something like this:
Code: [Select]
xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
exec dwm
as you can see, it is just a shell script, so naturally, if you just blindly copy-paste this it won't work if you don't have dwm nor ~/.Xresources. You have to apply some reason. Adjust it according to what you have.

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #4
tpm2-tss is certainly not new so it's really bizarre that you're suddenly having this problem. All I can conclude is that the tss user disappeared from your system for some unknown reason. I also have no clue why the user creation in the fails for you (out of disk space? read-only?). You could always try to make the user manually without sysusers I suppose. You would need to copy the configuration in the sysuser file if you wanted to do this.

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #6
I'm looking at /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/20-sysusers.hook from the esysusers package and see:
Code: [Select]
Target = usr/lib/sysusers.d/*.conf

Probably this is intended but I don't understand why the path is relative.  Can anyone confirm this is not a problem?

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #7
Reduced the problem to:
Code: [Select]
$ sudo systemd-sysusers /usr/lib/sysusers.d/tpm2-tss.conf
Creating group 'tss' with GID 975.
Creating user 'tss' (tss user for tmp2) with UID 975 and GID 975.
Failed to write files: Invalid argument

So I created the user and group manually, rebooted, and the display manager appears to have started normally.

Gratuitous comment: I picked Artix to get away from systemd, and yet *this* is the problem I run into.

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #8
I believe tpm2-tss package is what creates the tss users/group


Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #11
Gratuitous comment: I picked Artix to get away from systemd, and yet *this* is the problem I run into.
Problem is on your side, I also have the package tpm2-tss installed and the upgrade went without any errors.

This is the actual reason why it failed:
Code: [Select]
Failed to write files: Invalid argument         <----- This line here; "failed to write files: Invalid argument"
error: command failed to execute correctly
As to why it failed, like @Dudemanguy said, maybe a lack of free space on the disk, or some misconfiguration.

What is the contents of your /etc/passwd and /etc/group?

Edit: Also, what happens when you run:
Code: [Select]
$ su
# sysusers
# grpck -r
# pwck -r
Something might have corrupted the /etc/group file.

Edit 2: What is the contents of /usr/lib/sysusers.d/tpm2-tss.conf?

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #12
Just to address some previous comments, i think my big upgrade installed tpm2-tss, pulled in as a dependency of libsecret.  This happened 24 Feb.  So, apparently, it wasn't required (on my system) before then.   Also, there's no lack of free space.  Running 'sysusers' as root gives:
Code: [Select]
# sysusers                                                 
Failed to write files: Invalid argument

Code: [Select]
# grpck -r
invalid group file entry                                                          
delete line 'daemon:x:2:bin:audio'? No                                            
no matching group file entry in /etc/gshadow                                                                                  
add group 'tss' in /etc/gshadow? No                                                                                           
no matching group file entry in /etc/group                                                                                    
delete line 'daemon:!*::bin'? No                                                                                              
grpck: no changes

And, finally:
Code: [Select]
# pwck -r                                                                                              
no matching password file entry in /etc/shadow
add user 'tss' in /etc/shadow? No
pwck: no changes

It looks like the 'daemon'' entry in /etc/group is bad?
Ah... it's coming back to me.  I couldn't get an 'at' job to play audio, and i think i resolved that by adding it to the audio group.
It fixed my problem but i guess i did something wrong?  I wouldn't be surprised if that's the origin of the whole problem.

My entry for this is:

Code: [Select]

I wonder if i did this wrong and instead should have changed:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
and left the 'daemon' group as it was?

Re: No display manager after system upgrade.

Reply #13
See the format description of user_list in group(5).

Also gshadow(5). It must match /etc/group.

As to fixing your problem, you can try to manually edit colons in /etc/group (in the appropriate places, not everywhere!) to become commas. Users in user_list should be separated by commas.

Edit: To edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group, use the commands vipw/vigr.