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Topic: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade! (Read 1291 times) previous topic - next topic
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HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Hey guys, qt5's upgrade broke Barrier for me. How can I downgrade qt5? I'm a bit confused

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #1
I guess you are using gremlins repositories.
From what I heard there was an error on Artix side and was caught in testing repositories.

So I see 2 relatively simple options:
1. Switch to stable and do the forced update (pacman -Syyuu)
2. Use Archive, select date you want to go to, change your pacman config and force update (pacman -Syyuu)

Address of Artixlinux archive repository:

Also you might need to do the same for Archlinux repositories to keep them in sync.

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #2
Do you by any chance know what libicui18n is? I have barrier working on my main PC but not my side PC

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #3
I'm getting the error

Code: [Select]
barrier: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

is that just the icu package?

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #4
Yes, it is "icu" package .

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #5

why am I getting this error on one PC, but not the other? That's what's really got me confused, downgrading qt5-base made barrier work on my main pc but not on side pc...

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #6
All is well! I solved my problem somehow! Not really sure what did it, I rebuilt barrier 2.3.3 from the release tarball and it worked. pkgbuilds failed.

edit: now VLC isn't working, magical.... thank god for MPV I guess.

Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #7
I guess you are using gremlins repositories.
From what I heard there was an error on Artix side and was caught in testing repositories.

So I see 2 relatively simple options:
1. Switch to stable and do the forced update (pacman -Syyuu)
2. Use Archive, select date you want to go to, change your pacman config and force update (pacman -Syyuu)

Address of Artixlinux archive repository:

Also you might need to do the same for Archlinux repositories to keep them in sync.

I'm actually not using Gremlins. How do I set my pacman to update off of archive? :o


Re: HELP! I need to downgrade my last upgrade!

Reply #10
I mentioned this in your other thread but I'll mention it here for the sake of hopefully marking this as resolved. Try upgrading qt5-styleplugins. And thanks to Dudemanguy for rebuilding that package.