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Topic: how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ? (Read 676 times) previous topic - next topic
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how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ?

Greetings, can anyone teach how to install the driver on the video card, through the file?
   How do I stop the graphics session and successfully install the driver WITHOUT a network connection? and disable the standard driver open?
  perhaps this is not convenient, but, I need an offline method
I can download files from another OS and drop them into the artix directory
I have driver version 390 (latest, for my video card)

im new user in linux, "don't get mad at such stupid questions" (
just want use MAX PERFORMANCE with 3D, on closed-nvidia driver!

Re: how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ?

Reply #1

Welcome to Artix! I'm relatively new as well. There is no need to use .RUN files to install the nvidia driver. If you look at the Artix Wiki, there is a section called repositories. This will tell you the commands you need to enable the Arch repositories which contain the nvidia drivers. Follow those directions and then in a terminal type
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu 
. after that command completes, type  and follow the prompts and then reboot. That will install the latest Nvidia driver. I hope this helps!

Re: how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ?

Reply #2

Welcome to Artix! I'm relatively new as well. There is no need to use .RUN files to install the nvidia driver. If you look at the Artix Wiki, there is a section called repositories. This will tell you the commands you need to enable the Arch repositories which contain the nvidia drivers. Follow those directions and then in a terminal type
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu 
. after that command completes, type  and follow the prompts and then reboot. That will install the latest Nvidia driver. I hope this helps!

So after all, I need a method - offline, without a network
therefore, it is necessary from the ".run" file

Re: how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ?

Reply #3
Oh geez I'm so sorry!!! I maust have glanced over the part about an offline method. I wish i could help further.

Re: how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ?

Reply #4
You don't need NVIDIA's run file. pacman is perfectly capable of offline installation. It's just pacman -U on a pkg file. If you have an existing artix box, you can download a package without installing it via pacman -Sw. All package cache is stored in /var/cache/pacman/pkg. Just copy the packages you want and move it where you need them.

Re: how build nvidia driver from .RUN file artix ?

Reply #5