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Topic: gimp and gvfs dependency (Read 798 times) previous topic - next topic
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gimp and gvfs dependency

The new gimp (world/gimp 2.10.30-1 --> 2.10.30-2) dependency on gvfs pulls in 28(!) new packages on my system, including some really unfortunate crud like js78 and polkit (otherwise it's mostly filesystem&encryption tools/libs that I don't use).

I understand that the gvfs dependency is, strictly speaking, required for gimp to fully work as intended (some discussion at However, in my use case, gimp has been working fine all along, so this turn of events is a bummer. For now, I can easily "--ignore gimp" when updating; it still works. I was just wondering if anyone else has similar feelings on this update.

Could the gvfs dep be made optional? If not, would an alternate package, like "gimp-nogvfs", be possible? Or do I, and presumably others, have to either accept all the crud or compile our own gimp-with-a-limp in the future?

Re: gimp and gvfs dependency

Reply #1
polkit is, unfortunately, not optional. I was just discussing this recently with the other members of Artix team. Also, what could be working in your use case doesn't have to work for someone else.

Artix team is well aware of any updates to packages with regards to dependencies, and are keeping them up to the level required for programs to run without errors.

You are free to compile your own version of Gimp, of course.

Re: gimp and gvfs dependency

Reply #2
I see.

The same issue came up in the thread on automounting. The actual problem is that gimp has been made hard-dependent on gvfs. Posts in the other thread suggest this also brings about undesirable behavior. Pointless arguing over udisks documentation ensued...

So again, I'm asking if gvfs could be an optional dependency for gimp, perhaps with a note that certain things break if you don't have it. I don't see a configure option to disable gvfs integration in AUR's gimp-stripped, so presumably the dependency can be optional. If I'm wrong, maybe someone can explain.

Re: gimp and gvfs dependency

Reply #3
@lotuskip , since additional testing revealed that GIMP doesn't seem to actually depend on gvfs for basic functionality (local access to files), Artix team has agreed to change the dependency to optional. The misleading wording in suggested otherwise.

I have pushed an update to world/gimp, 2.10.30-3, which should propagate to mirrors during the next hour or so. With it, gvfs will be moved to optional dependency for GIMP, so if you don't use other software which depends on gvfs, you will be able to safely
Code: [Select]
pacman -R gvfs udisks2

Re: gimp and gvfs dependency

Reply #4
More relevant to the now locked automounting topic, apologies in advance if required, gvfs and udisks2 are deps of the Mate desktop and cannot be removed - well possibly but it would take a bit of effort I expect. However:
Code: [Select]
Disable automount:
$ gsettings set automount false
I don't know exactly what that does under the hood to be able to reproduce the behavior on DE's without something like that but it works great on Mate.