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Setting up a NAS inside Artix-openrc

Greetings  :D ,

I want to know what packages I might want to research for configuring a Network Attached Storage on my new Artix installation. I currently have (two) 1 TB hard drives I can either hardware RAID 1 through my motherboard or software RAID 1 through mdadm. Just backed everything up and wiped them with wipefs.

This is my first time setting up a NAS so I am not as knowledgeable as others here. I refrain from trueNAS or NAS operating systems because I would like to add additional functionality to my system (like a private email server)  once I learn more.

There are many file transfer protocols to choose from and, I have no clue which ones I should really choose. I know the samba package is effective for the SMB protocol, which might be good to have if I ever need to access my data from a windows operating system (which isn't often). What secure file transfer protocols are best suited for unix environments? I usually use manjaro/arch on my main pc but that will probably soon change to something less bloated.

Also any disk encryption packages you would recommend? My nas will have a 16 thread ryzen 1700x so it should be no problem if everything is encrypted.


Re: Setting up a NAS inside Artix-openrc

Reply #1
I've got a broken headless C2D laptop in the balcony with 2GB or RAM and 2 external USB disks attached to it. All I've ever needed for the NAS role was samba, however the little monster runs anything I've loaded it with, from TOR, mariadb and lighttpd to game servers for minecraft and Counter-strike. Perhaps all file transfer/sharing protocols will fulfill your needs of security, I use ssh(fs), samba and syncthing.