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Topic: Workflow for adding packages to the main repos (Read 554 times) previous topic - next topic
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Workflow for adding packages to the main repos

I'm curious - what's the process for adding packages to the main Artix repositories?

When I started using Artix, I did what most do and enabled universe, omniverse, and all the Arch repos. However...after reading warnings on this forum about sticking to the main repos, I've been trying more and more to move away from packages maintained elsewhere (even the AUR).

After this thread prompted ncdu to be added to universe, I started asking myself why this doesn't happen more often.

For example, I see mutt is in the main repos...and neomutt is in omniverse. What would it take to get neomutt bumped into the universe? A certain amount of feedback?

If so, it might be useful to utilize a tool like Astuto to coordinate user feedback on what the people want migrated. Apologies if this comes off as complaining, just trying to see how I can help the Artix community.

Re: Workflow for adding packages to the main repos

Reply #1
It's all explained in our wiki. Packages in [universes] are maintained by Artix devs who most likely use them, i.e. not added upon user request. Promoting from [omniverse] to [universe] is decided by its maintainer, @Artist.

Re: Workflow for adding packages to the main repos

Reply #2
There's not really an established process for what gets into the main repos, but I went ahead and added neomutt to galaxy anyway since we already have mutt there.