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Topic: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce (Read 1173 times) previous topic - next topic
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Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

I am a complete noob to this and installed artix (dualboot) and for some reason it does not boot into xfce/lightdm also after I rebooted into artix s6 gave me this: s6 log: warning: unable to rename /var/log/lightdm/current to /var/log/lightdm/previous I have no clue why but with another reboot it went away.

Because s6-rc-bundle-update is obsolete (in the wiki) I used touch /etc/s6/adminsv/default/contents.d/lightdm did I do something wrong? Please help me!!!!

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #1
Did you run s6-db-reload after you touched the file? If so, you should be able to see logs in /var/log/lightdm/current that should tell you what is going on.

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #2
I did. I reinstalled artix intirely and it seems like xfce or xfce4 is not a thing. I have no clue why. It also says that /var/log/lightdm/current is not a file or directory

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #3
Can you confirm if the lightdm services are running? What's the output of:
Code: [Select]
ps aux | grep lightdm

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #4
root 949 0.0 0.0 6684 2544 tty1 S+ 9:35 0:00 grep --color=auto lightdm

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #5
In that case, you do not even have lightdm-s6 installed.

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #6
I did. I reinstalled artix intirely and it seems like xfce or xfce4 is not a thing. I have no clue why. It also says that /var/log/lightdm/current is not a file or directory

Are you using a stable iso or a weekly update?
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #7
Stable ISO

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #8

Edit: The internet is not working proporly and when I try to install a package (eg firefox) it downloads everything exept the last one. I also have to unblock wifi everytime I reboot

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #9
rfkill is the tool to use to unblock a soft block thingy like wifi.  is that what you are doing?
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #10
Using pacman -Syu fixed the not installing all packages glitch I was having.
Yes I am using rfkill and I have to turn it off everytime I boot
I also tried installing networkmanager but it wasn't working so I uninstalled it. I rebooted and now connman cannot connect to wifi at all. I try to scan but it gave me this error: /net/connman/technology/wifi: no carrier

Re: Doesn't boot into lightdm/xfce

Reply #11
Using pacman -Syu fixed the not installing all packages glitch I was having.
Yes I am using rfkill and I have to turn it off everytime I boot
I also tried installing networkmanager but it wasn't working so I uninstalled it. I rebooted and now connman cannot connect to wifi at all. I try to scan but it gave me this error: /net/connman/technology/wifi: no carrier
Warning: connman grabs rfkill events. It is most likely impossible to use rfkill or bluetoothctl to (un)block devices, yet hardware keys may still work.[2] Always use connmanctl enable|disable

some good troubleshooting tips at the end of the page
Cat Herders of Linux