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Topic: [SOLVED] Package archive issue (Read 707 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Package archive issue

seems there's a problem with or at least the /repos/ part of it:
it stops at ../repos/2021/11/22  and  ../repos/2021/11/22/world/os/x86_64/ doesn't contain any *.db files

Re: Package archive issue

Reply #3
looks good, cheers  :)


Re: [SOLVED] Package archive issue

Reply #4
Hello. Something happened to the archive again. Can you fix it?

I don't know if anyone else figured it out.
I point pacman through pacman.conf to the archive site, so that I don't have to update the system every time I need to install something new, make a pacman -Syu package stuff. Very comfortably.
And when I want to update, usually once a month, I switch pacman to mirrors so as not to give a big load on the archive.