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Topic: Q for Artix Devs: What's it like maintaining a distro? (Read 961 times) previous topic - next topic
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Q for Artix Devs: What's it like maintaining a distro?

Hi all.

I've been using Linux as a daily driver for almost 2 years now, and on Artix for 8 months. I've been loving it thus far. Utilizing it daily for learning about programming (JavaScript, Python, C, and bash) and the general Unix/Linux ecosystem.

It recently occurred to me that I don't know much about what it takes to create and maintain a distribution (especially one like Artix, which seems unique in that it is probably the only distribution that offers as much choice as it does regarding init systems coming shipped with their ISOs).

If you're an Artix Developer/Maintainer, I and (I'd think) some of the other community members would be curious as to how you came to work on the Artix team, what your history with Linux is, and also what's it like maintaining/developing for this fantastic distribution. Could you offer us just a brief insight into what it's like for you personally?

Even if its a brief couple sentences, any insights and stories you could provide regarding this would be much appreciated!

And thanks for everything!

Re: Q for Artix Devs: What's it like maintaining a distro?

Reply #1
I'm not your target audience for this post but i do believe in giving people the opportunity to develop insight and in participant observer derived learning.  To that end, i offer you the following resource to aid you on your quest:

Cat Herders of Linux


Re: Q for Artix Devs: What's it like maintaining a distro?

Reply #3
That post deserves linking to in the FAQ imho.
I just learnt a bit of history  8)

Re: Q for Artix Devs: What's it like maintaining a distro?

Reply #5

Thank you, and I would say the post you link to might be of interest to new users, and perhaps should be converted into a short history page on Artix's main site.

It appears to me that most Linux Distributions are run by programmers during their off hours from their day jobs, and that forking a project like Arch, creating your own repos, and setting up support for the various init systems is no small task.

As you are all much more versed in this field of work, I am curious on your opinions, as developers, as to the general future of Artix and what you might like to see implemented?

I personally would love to see non-systemd init systems thrive, but am unaware as to how this would even come to pass. Nevertheless, Artix is perhaps the greatest example of the spirit of Linux as choice of init system has been returned to the user, and thank goodness for it.

Thanks again for the above reference to a great post, it was very informative.

Re: Q for Artix Devs: What's it like maintaining a distro?

Reply #6

Can I add my appreciation also for linking that post, as I had no idea really how this distro came about.

My thanks to all the devs for the time and work that they put in to enable us mere users to enjoy a wonderful distro, you are truly appreciated by me and many others for sure!