When I execute:
$ nm-connection-editor
in a terminal and click on "+", choose "Wi-Fi" as my connection type, and click on "Create...", the output from the terminal is:
** Message: 15:52:54.332: Cannot save connection due to error: Invalid setting Wi-Fi: 802-11-wireless.ssid: property is missing
with everything in the connection editor window greyed out. Also, when I run:
# nmtui
I can edit the boxes but when I tried saving it (as root) I get:
Unable to add new connection: Method "AddConnection" with signature "a{sa{sv}}" on interface "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings" doesn't exist
I'm running on OpenBox with runit and I did try to restart the service:
# sv restart NetworkManager
timeout: down: NetworkManager: 0s, normally up, want up
wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd together work just fine and I have running right now. When I stopped those services, I get:
# sv restart NetworkManager
ok: run: NetworkManager: (pid 22514) 0s
but when I go to the connection editor, everything is still greyed out.
I would like to use NetworkManager to connect to the internet but I can't seem to figure out what's going on. Any help will be appreciated.