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Topic: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt (Read 9484 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #15
Wanna try this, @LizziAS ?

Edit /usr/lib/calamares/modules/machineid/ , and comment this part of the file :

Code: [Select]
    root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
    enable_systemd = libcalamares.job.configuration["systemd"]
    enable_dbus = libcalamares.job.configuration["dbus"]
    enable_symlink = libcalamares.job.configuration["symlink"]
    target_systemd_machineid_file = root_mount_point + "/etc/machine-id"
    target_dbus_machineid_file = root_mount_point + "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id"

    if os.path.exists(target_dbus_machineid_file):

    if enable_systemd:
        if os.path.exists(target_systemd_machineid_file):

    if enable_dbus:
        if enable_symlink and os.path.exists(target_systemd_machineid_file):
            check_target_env_call(["ln", "-s", "/etc/machine-id",
            check_target_env_call(["dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure"])

Then try running calamares installer again and see if it works (I hope it does)

What are you doing guys?

This will not fix anything.
Machineid is run after chrootcfg, the module which is skipped for whatever reason.

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #16
What are you doing guys?

This will not fix anything.
Machineid is run after chrootcfg, the module which is skipped for whatever reason.

Wait, so you were saying that it needs to run chrootcfg module first before running machineid module so that the machineid will work?
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #17
What are you doing guys?

This will not fix anything.
Machineid is run after chrootcfg, the module which is skipped for whatever reason.

You are of course correct that machineid kludge is not needed I have just tried again and all is ok.

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #18
A good find but an easier way? Go to /etc/calamares/modules/machineid.conf which reads false, true and true I changed them all to false seems to work.

I got an error about not finding the time zone path

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #19
Wanna try this, @LizziAS ?

Edit /usr/lib/calamares/modules/machineid/ , and comment this part of the file :

Code: [Select]
    root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
    enable_systemd = libcalamares.job.configuration["systemd"]
    enable_dbus = libcalamares.job.configuration["dbus"]
    enable_symlink = libcalamares.job.configuration["symlink"]
    target_systemd_machineid_file = root_mount_point + "/etc/machine-id"
    target_dbus_machineid_file = root_mount_point + "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id"

    if os.path.exists(target_dbus_machineid_file):

    if enable_systemd:
        if os.path.exists(target_systemd_machineid_file):

    if enable_dbus:
        if enable_symlink and os.path.exists(target_systemd_machineid_file):
            check_target_env_call(["ln", "-s", "/etc/machine-id",
            check_target_env_call(["dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure"])

Then try running calamares installer again and see if it works (I hope it does)

That's essentially the whole file. So I'm commenting out everything that's written there?

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #20

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #21
Wanna try this, @LizziAS ?

Edit /usr/lib/calamares/modules/machineid/ , and comment this part of the file :

Code: [Select]
    root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
    enable_systemd = libcalamares.job.configuration["systemd"]
    enable_dbus = libcalamares.job.configuration["dbus"]
    enable_symlink = libcalamares.job.configuration["symlink"]
    target_systemd_machineid_file = root_mount_point + "/etc/machine-id"
    target_dbus_machineid_file = root_mount_point + "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id"

    if os.path.exists(target_dbus_machineid_file):

    if enable_systemd:
        if os.path.exists(target_systemd_machineid_file):

    if enable_dbus:
        if enable_symlink and os.path.exists(target_systemd_machineid_file):
            check_target_env_call(["ln", "-s", "/etc/machine-id",
            check_target_env_call(["dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure"])

Then try running calamares installer again and see if it works (I hope it does)

both options return the timezone path error

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #22
Have you tried anything else but etcher I did my install with imagewriter also try formatting off-line with a live  cd.
Then again you know me I could rename a bucket of poo as a ISO and it would install, the only problem buckets of poo are always systemd :D

Tried with calamares and sues image writer, results are the same on install

Mintstick isn't running on my converted system for some reason. (Neither will gparted but that's another post)

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #23
I got the same problem while trying to install Artix with plasma+btrfs+LUKS. Nothing change if I try using ext4.

If I launch calamares in debug mode [sudo calamares -d] and I look the log after the machine-id error, I discover that the error is NOT generated from the machine-id command, but from the fact that there is a broken dependency due to the fact that the system is trying to install libpulse version 11.x but in all the repos (I checked them one by one) there is libpulse 10.x.

To replicate the error simply launch calamares in debug mode and look the log.

I install now a virtual machine and in short send you a screenshot of the error.

I tried to install the LXQT version, settiing the machineid.conf parameters all to "false", as suggested, and it work almost correctly. There was some problems with the btrf subvol definition (@home is not mounted correctly, there is a conflict with @/ subvol), but this is another story...

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #24
As you see in the attached log, the chrootcfg job is started, at the line 9 you see the first warning related with libpulse wrong version and, after 3 warning the error that crashed the chroot process immediately after. All the process crash with a 127 error code, but probably only the machine-id process visualize a dialog... :)

For the test I used Virtualbox with the Artix iso downloaded 2 days ago from the Sourceforge site.

07:14:52 [0]: Starting job "chrootcfg"
07:14:53 [1]: Job "chrootcfg" -> "Download and install package selection"
07:14:53 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]:  "Create: /tmp/calamares-root-f28os_nx/etc"
07:14:53 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]:  "Mode: 0o755"
07:14:53 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]:  "Create: /tmp/calamares-root-f28os_nx/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
07:14:53 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]:  "Mode: 0o755"
07:14:53 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]:  "Create: /tmp/calamares-root-f28os_nx/var/lib/pacman"
07:14:53 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]:  "Mode: 0o755"
warning: cannot resolve "libpulse=11.1-1", a dependency of "pulseaudio"
warning: cannot resolve "pulseaudio=11.1-1", a dependency of "pulseaudio-gconf"
warning: cannot resolve "pulseaudio-gconf", a dependency of "plasma-pa"
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
07:15:02 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-f28os_nx", "pacman-key", "--init")
07:15:02 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 127
07:15:02 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-f28os_nx", "pacman-key", "--populate", "archlinux", "artix")
07:15:02 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 127
07:15:02 [0]: Starting job "networkcfg"
07:15:02 [1]: Job "networkcfg" -> "Setup network configuration"
07:15:02 [0]: Starting job "machineid"
07:15:02 [1]: Job "machineid" -> "Generate machine-id using dbus and systemd."
07:15:02 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-f28os_nx", "dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure")
07:15:02 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 127
07:15:02 [1]: tbMsg "  File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/machineid/", line 54, in run\n    check_target_env_call(["dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure"])\n\n  File "<string>", line 2, in <module>\n"
07:15:02 [0]: Installation failed:
07:15:02 [0]: - message: "Boost.Python error in job \"machineid\"."
07:15:02 [0]: - details: "<div><strong>&lt;class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'&gt;</strong></div><div>Command 'dbus-uuidgen --ensure' returned non-zero exit status 127.</div><div>Traceback:</div><div><pre>  File &quot;/usr/lib/calamares/modules/machineid/;, line 54, in run\n    check_target_env_call([&quot;dbus-uuidgen&quot;, &quot;--ensure&quot;])\n\n  File &quot;&lt;string&gt;&quot;, line 2, in &lt;module&gt;\n</pre></div>"
07:15:02 [0]: Calamares will quit when the dialog closes.
07:15:03 [1]: FinishedViewStep::onActivate()
07:15:03 [1]: FinishedPage::setUpRestart()
07:17:20 [8]: Shutting down Calamares...
07:17:20 [8]: Finished shutdown.
07:17:20 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
07:17:20 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #25
I got the same problem while trying to install Artix with plasma+btrfs+LUKS. Nothing change if I try using ext4.

If I launch calamares in debug mode [sudo calamares -d] and I look the log after the machine-id error, I discover that the error is NOT generated from the machine-id command, but from the fact that there is a broken dependency due to the fact that the system is trying to install libpulse version 11.x but in all the repos (I checked them one by one) there is libpulse 10.x.

To replicate the error simply launch calamares in debug mode and look the log.

I install now a virtual machine and in short send you a screenshot of the error.

I tried to install the LXQT version, settiing the machineid.conf parameters all to "false", as suggested, and it work almost correctly. There was some problems with the btrf subvol definition (@home is not mounted correctly, there is a conflict with @/ subvol), but this is another story...

Yes after i converted my system, i had to uninstall libpulse to run : pacman -Syuu to get the pulse system to downgrade - installed files from my converted system were newer than the files in the repos - so this actually makes sense to me.

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #26
A question: somebody can tell me how to correct the problem of the libpulse version dependency (as reported in the previous log)?
Without the correction of this error I cannot install KDE vesion and, as a primary effect, I must continue to use a systemd OS.

Also a workaround shall be of help. The solution offered till now don't work.


Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #27
I concur.  I still can not install with calamares.


Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #28
Try installing it without selecting any extra packages before hitting install button
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: Installation issues with the 8/8/2017 image lxqt

Reply #29
Sorry fallenrat, but do you think that, trying to install a new distribution, I didn't have previously searched some different path to discover a solution?
To understand that the problem is a dependency problem and not a machineid strange error, require some time.
I tested the installer with audio, without audio, with cups, without cups, without KDE apps, etc... etc... In every situations libpulse is requested and the system crash, always, due to the dependency problem, not the machineid.

So, probably, there is some base component that generate this dependency and the solution, the only one that I can imagine, is to replace the 10.x libpulse and pulseaudio version, with the 11.x or to downgrade the component requiring the 11.x version. But this is a developer work not an end user work.

I don't see other solutions, after trying all the possible combinations; if I tell you that I try at least 30 different combinations, probably I forget something  :D

but the Artix developer team, read this forum or it is used only to "satisfy" the end user? If not I'd like to know how to report the error and to receive an answer. Do you agree with me that this kind of interaction is mandatory and not only for a new environment?

If I'm not wrong this problem is up and running from more than 2 weeks (I got it when I was busy to migrate the Manjaro/Openrc to Antergos) and you teach me that 2 weeks, for a bug of the installation program, is really a long time.