Re: ArtixBang
Reply #44 –
Ok, I stand corrected, there is no archbang repository. I use openbox myself all the time so I never got interested in it as I am settled in my ways. Archbang is pretty much arch with openbox, firefox, autologin no passwd sudo, a bg, tint2 panel, a customized obmenu with the installer added, many fonts and icons, pcmanfm-gtk3 for background and desktop icons, maybe a couple of scripts for long commands but the "editmirror" didn't actually work, and that's it.
Just tried the thing (abinstaller) on vm, and option one about partitioning was very uneasy, too many preconditioned options that doesn't allow much space for simplicity. So this is what I did.
I formatted a small partition 3-4GB is plenty in ext4 from archbang live. Let's say it is /dev/sda2
Then from terminal
# sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
# sudo cp -ax / /mnt
# sudo arch-chroot /mnt
# passwd ablive
# passwd <--- for root
edit the mirrorlist like the guide on desktop says
# sudo pacman -Syy
# sudo pacman -S linux <--- to install an actual kernel - the live kernel will not boot on an installation
# sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# sudo grub-install /dev/sda
# exit <--- chroot
# sudo reboot
And that is it (exept if you want efi/uefi crap and separate /boot partition, which means you have to make a small partition separately and mount the /boot and populate it appropriately, you must know better
After that you are on your own of course unless you are going to "immediately" convert to artix (or obarun or hyperbola) and follow the instructions on how to remove "the crap" from your installation.
You left manjaro to be looking for more "crap" elsewhere