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Topic: trying to install artix basestrap says error: required key missing from keyring (Read 1478 times) previous topic - next topic
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trying to install artix basestrap says error: required key missing from keyring

I'm trying to install artix linux from 25.07.2021 ISO and when i do basestrap /mnt base It asks me to import pgpg key ... "Artix Build Bot ... "? [Y/n]

if I answer Y it says error: key "..." could not be looked up remotely
error: required key missing from keyring.
Same thing if I answer no

I have tried
 pacman -S artix-keyring (I can't install anything to bootable usb because of missing key)
 pacman-key --populate artix
 pacman-key --lsign-key 95AEC5D0C1E294FC9F82B253573A673A53C01BC2

pacman-key --refresh-keys

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Edit: found fix Make sure to correct the system time, for example with ntpd -qg run as root, and run hwclock -w as root before subsequent installations or upgrades.
then pacman-key --refresh-keys[email protected]%3E%22_is_invalid,_installation_failed

Re: trying to install artix basestrap says error: required key missing from keyring

Reply #1
Thank you so much! I was off only 4 seconds. I would have never found that problem. Can't we add this to the wiki please?