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Topic: artix slow downloads (Read 479 times) previous topic - next topic
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artix slow downloads

HI there,  Downloads speeds from artix mirrors is very slow... I used reflector to rate arch mirrors and now they are fine but how to get the fastest artix mirrors for downloading. is there a script like reflector > please help as downloading from artix mirrros is no more than 200Kb/s .. Thanks


Re: artix slow downloads

Reply #1
Use rankmirrors from pacman-contrib.
The command below will rank the 12 fastest mirrors and place the result in /tmp/mirrorlist-ranked.
Code: [Select]
rankmirrors -n 12 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist > /tmp/mirrorlist-ranked
Copy it over the original (make a backup first) and also set ParallelDowloads in pacman.conf to a satisfying value.