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Topic: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) (Read 1073 times) previous topic - next topic
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imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

imath fails to upgrade to 3.1.5-2.3.

Code: [Select]
Packages (1) imath-3.1.5-2.3

Total Installed Size:   27.20 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      -12.52 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                         [############################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                       [############################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                            [############################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                      [############################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
imath: /usr/lib64 exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathConfig.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathConfigVersion.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathTargets-release.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathTargets.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/Imath.pc exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/PyImath.pc exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

I think it's just a bad line in commit 8a2f6b8a7d. If I revert line 18 in the PKGBUILD to
Code: [Select]
it seems to install fine.

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #1
I'm expecting the same issue here, what did you do exactly to solve it? I'm using stable repositories. I guess maintainers should solve this issue.
Artix Linux Colombia

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #2
Same issue here
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -S imath

And then

Code: [Select]
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) imath-3.1.5-2.3

Total Installed Size:  27.20 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                        [#######################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                      [#######################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                           [#######################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                     [#######################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
imath: /usr/lib64 exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathConfig.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathConfigVersion.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathTargets-release.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/cmake/Imath/ImathTargets.cmake exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/ exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/Imath.pc exists in filesystem
imath: /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/PyImath.pc exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #3
The same issue happens.

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #4
@jrballesteros05 for now you can try
 pacman -Su --ignore imath

Other than that you can wait for the issue to get sorted out or build the package yourself using @phat_sumo 's suggestion above.

( Side note: I built the package and it took a LOT longer than I expected . )

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #5
The maintainer of this package with try to have a look at this issue soon.

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #6
must be a cmake bug, just rebuild old way and then sudo pacman -U --asdeps imath-3.1.5-2.3-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
Code: [Select]
pkgdesc='A C++ and python library of 2D and 3D vector, matrix, and math operations for computer graphics'
optdepends=('python: python bindings' 'boost-libs: python bindings')
makedepends=(cmake python boost)

build() {
  cd Imath-$pkgver
  mkdir build && cd build
  make -j`nproc`

package() {
  cd Imath-$pkgver/build; DESTDIR="$pkgdir" make install

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #7
For what it's worth, when I try to compile in a clean chroot using aleksey's PKGBUILD, it fails for me with CMake Error: Error processing file: /build/imath/src/build/cmake_install.cmake.  However, uninstalling imath entirely before trying to upgrade also fails to install with only the first conflict: /usr/lib64 exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem).  I solved the problem by merely adding -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib \ to the official PKGBUILD.  That then compiles, installs all of the libraries into /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64, and installs just fine.  I wouldn't have the slightest idea why that's an issue, although my understanding is that /usr/lib64 is supposed to be forbidden now or something, and aleksey's conclusion that this is a cmake bug seems reasonable under the circumstances.  Hope that helps.

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #8
In my case imath was a dep of gimp, as I rarely need that I just removed gimp for now with -Rs gimp and could then upgrade.
If I then try to install imath alone I get:
Code: [Select]
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
imath: /usr/lib64 exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)
But I can't delete /usr/lib64 as it is full of essential things.

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #9
I think it's trying to install in /usr/lib64/ explicitly which causes conflicts since /usr/lib64@ is a symbolic link to /usr/lib/ and is owned by filesystem.
Code: [Select]
ls -aF /usr/
./  ../  bin/  etc/  include/  lib/  lib32/  lib64@  local/  sbin@  share/  sr/  src/

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #10
In my case imath was a dep of gimp, as I rarely need that I just removed gimp for now with -Rs gimp and could then upgrade.
If I then try to install imath alone I get:
Code: [Select]
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
imath: /usr/lib64 exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)
But I can't delete /usr/lib64 as it is full of essential things.
yeah I'm stuck here too, how do we upgrade this package?

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #11
personally I just did a sudo pacman -Rsc imath then did a -Syu without issues, restarted and all seems good for what i use anyway!   I'll re-add it once its been updated, but I'm guessing something else broke it as the package was last touched in Arch extra back in June '22 (installing it after removing it gives the same error at the mo.)

Re: imath error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Reply #12
...I just did a sudo pacman -Rsc imath

This is not really an option.

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Rsc imath
checking dependencies...
:: avidemux-cli optionally requires faac: for the corresponding audio encoder plugin
:: gdk-pixbuf2 optionally requires libwmf: Load .wmf and .apm
:: gdk-pixbuf2 optionally requires libjxl: Load .jxl
:: graphicsmagick optionally requires libwmf: wmf module
:: gutenprint optionally requires gimp: adds gutenprint plugin to gimp
:: imagemagick optionally requires libjxl: JPEG XL support
:: imagemagick optionally requires libraw: DNG support
:: imagemagick optionally requires libwmf: WMF support
:: imagemagick optionally requires openexr: OpenEXR support
:: imlib2 optionally requires libjxl: JXL loader
:: obs-studio optionally requires luajit: scripting support
:: openal optionally requires fluidsynth: MIDI rendering
:: openscenegraph optionally requires openexr
:: poppler optionally requires poppler-data: highly recommended encoding data to display PDF documents with certain encodings and characters
:: qt5-multimedia optionally requires gst-plugins-bad: camera support, additional plugins
:: qt6-multimedia optionally requires gst-plugins-bad: camera support, additional plugins
:: vlc optionally requires libdc1394: IEEE 1394 access plugin
:: vlc optionally requires libgme: Game Music Emu plugin
:: vlc optionally requires libmicrodns: mDNS services discovery (chromecast etc)
:: vlc optionally requires libdvdnav: DVD with navigation input module
:: vlc optionally requires zvbi: VBI/Teletext/webcam/v4l2 capture/decoding
:: vlc optionally requires libkate: Kate codec
:: webkit2gtk optionally requires gst-plugins-bad: media decoding
:: webkit2gtk-4.1 optionally requires gst-plugins-bad: media decoding
:: xsane optionally requires xsane-gimp: for gimp plugin support

Packages (49) babl-0.1.96-1  chromaprint-1.5.1-4  clutter-1.26.4-2  clutter-gtk-1.8.4-3  cogl-1.22.8-2  exiv2-0.27.5-3  faac-1.30-3
              fluidsynth-2.2.8-1  gegl-0.4.38-1  gimp-2.10.32-1  gperftools-2.10-1  gst-plugin-gtk-1.20.3-1
              gst-plugins-bad-1.20.3-1  gthumb-3.12.2-1  gupnp-igd-1.2.0-2  lensfun-1:0.3.3-1  libavtp-0.2.0-1  libbs2b-3.1.0-8
              libdc1394-2.2.6-2.1  libdvdnav-6.1.1-1  libgexiv2-0.14.0-3  libgme-0.6.3-1.1  libinstpatch-1.1.6-1  libjxl-0.6.1-3
              libkate-0.4.1-8  liblrdf-0.6.1-4  libltc-1.3.1-3  libmicrodns-0.2.0-1  libmypaint-1.6.1-1  libnice-0.1.19-1
              libopenmpt-0.6.5-1  libraw-0.20.2-2  libspiro-1:20220722-1  libsrtp-1:2.4.2-1  libwmf-0.2.12-2.1
              luajit-2.1.0.beta3.r439.g633f265f-1  metis-5.1.0.p10-2  mjpegtools-2.2.1-1  mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1-1  openexr-3.1.5-1
              poppler-data-0.4.11-1  suitesparse-5.12.0-1  svt-hevc-1.5.1-2  wildmidi-0.4.4-1  xsane-gimp-0.999-5  zbar-0.23.1-9
              zvbi-0.2.35-4.1  zxing-cpp-1.4.0-1  imath-3.1.5-2.2

Total Removed Size:  281,62 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]