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Topic: Error while trying to install OpenZFS (Read 347 times) previous topic - next topic
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Error while trying to install OpenZFS

Hey there, I am trying to follow the official OpenZFS docs and after I ran
Code: [Select]
pacman -Sy
i got this error:
Code: [Select]
warning: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 123: directive 'EOF' in section 'archzfs' not recognized.

Should I be worried? The repos I currently have enabled are the base Artix repos+lib32, base Arch repos+multilib and yay is present for the AUR.

I manually installed Artix with the MATE desktop and use the OpenRC init system.

Code: [Select]
                  '                      sgal@OpenMonoliths 
                  'o'                     ------------------
                 'ooo'                    OS: Artix Linux x86_64
                'ooxoo'                   Kernel: 5.19.8-artix1-1
               'ooxxxoo'                  Uptime: 11 mins
              'oookkxxoo'                 Packages: 532 (pacman)
             'oiioxkkxxoo'                Shell: bash 5.1.16
            ':;:iiiioxxxoo'               Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
               `'.;::ioxxoo'              DE: MATE 1.26.0
          '-.      `':;jiooo'             WM: Metacity (Marco)
         'oooio-..     `'i:io'            Theme: BlackMATE [GTK2/3]
        'ooooxxxxoio:,.   `'-;'           Icons: mate [GTK2/3]
       'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-.  `'          Terminal: mate-terminal
      'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji'            Terminal Font: Monospace 10
     'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'`     .i'        CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (16) @ 4.200GHz
    'ooooxxxxxoi:::'`       .;ioxo'       GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6600/6600 XT/6600M
   'ooooxooi::'`         .:iiixkxxo'      Memory: 1585MiB / 31982MiB
  'ooooi:'`                `'';ioxxo'
 'i:'`                          '':io'                           
'`                                   `'                          

Thanks ahead!

Edit: found what's causing the issue, there was an "EOF" listed at the bottom of the file, which was causing the error.
Consider fixed.

Re: Error while trying to install OpenZFS

Reply #1
You're free to use arch repo's, but why not install openzfs from Artix's universe repo? That has always worked for me, and still does.


Re: Error while trying to install OpenZFS

Reply #2
Oh, I have the Arch repos enabled for other reasons, but OpenZFS also said to enable its own repo which is causing the error.

I'm just unsure what to do.

Re: Error while trying to install OpenZFS

Reply #3
Check and place the universe repo above arch's in your pacman.conf file.
As always make sure to have a valid backup, and then run: sudo pacman -Sy zfs-git


Re: Error while trying to install OpenZFS

Reply #4
Check and place the universe repo above arch's in your pacman.conf file.
As always make sure to have a valid backup, and then run: sudo pacman -Sy zfs-git


Thank you very much, I do have all of the Artix repos on top of the Arch repos (including Universe), I'll reply again later to report any other issues.