Hey there, I am trying to follow the official OpenZFS docs and after I ran pacman -Sy
i got this error:
warning: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 123: directive 'EOF' in section 'archzfs' not recognized.
Should I be worried? The repos I currently have enabled are the base Artix repos+lib32, base Arch repos+multilib and yay is present for the AUR.
I manually installed Artix with the MATE desktop and use the OpenRC init system.
' sgal@OpenMonoliths
'o' ------------------
'ooo' OS: Artix Linux x86_64
'ooxoo' Kernel: 5.19.8-artix1-1
'ooxxxoo' Uptime: 11 mins
'oookkxxoo' Packages: 532 (pacman)
'oiioxkkxxoo' Shell: bash 5.1.16
':;:iiiioxxxoo' Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
`'.;::ioxxoo' DE: MATE 1.26.0
'-. `':;jiooo' WM: Metacity (Marco)
'oooio-.. `'i:io' Theme: BlackMATE [GTK2/3]
'ooooxxxxoio:,. `'-;' Icons: mate [GTK2/3]
'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-. `' Terminal: mate-terminal
'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji' Terminal Font: Monospace 10
'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'` .i' CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (16) @ 4.200GHz
'ooooxxxxxoi:::'` .;ioxo' GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6600/6600 XT/6600M
'ooooxooi::'` .:iiixkxxo' Memory: 1585MiB / 31982MiB
'ooooi:'` `'';ioxxo'
'i:'` '':io'
'` `'
Thanks ahead!
Edit: found what's causing the issue, there was an "EOF" listed at the bottom of the file, which was causing the error.
Consider fixed.