[SOLVED] Latest update to nvidia-dkms and nvidia-utils breaks Steam
Hi all, today after updating with a simple pacman -Syu, I rebooted my system to discover that Steam would not launch. After reverting back the suspected packages, I have determined that the issue lies in the recent updates to:
When run directly from the terminal, steam provides this message to standard output, but then never starts...:
steam.sh[9299]: Running Steam on artix rolling 64-bit
steam.sh[9299]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
setup.sh[9374]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
steam.sh[9299]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
As I indicated earlier, I have simply held back these packages for now. It may be relevant to know that this was done while running the linux-zen kernel (5.19.10-zen1-1-zen).
Thanks as always to the great team here! I always appreciate the insight and assistance.
EDIT: SOLVED! I am indeed a fool! My apologies gents, steam was running in the background, it took a simple htop to find it. I do apologize to the forum moderators for this waste of time. Please feel free to delete this post, and I'm sorry for the trouble.