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Topic: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland (Read 2048 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

I'm running Artix-openrc with amd ryzen/radeon. Whenever I try to login to plasma wayland, the screen goes black and it returns to the login screen after a few seconds. It happens on both sddm and gdm, but only for plasma. I can login to gnome and sway without any trouble. I've tried removing ~/.Xauthority and the xsession for plasma and also editing the /usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop file, but nothing has worked. Has anyone else been having trouble with this?

Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #1
I'm running Artix-openrc with amd ryzen/radeon. Whenever I try to login to plasma wayland, the screen goes black and it returns to the login screen after a few seconds. It happens on both sddm and gdm, but only for plasma. I can login to gnome and sway without any trouble. I've tried removing ~/.Xauthority and the xsession for plasma and also editing the /usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop file, but nothing has worked. Has anyone else been having trouble with this?

KWin is not fully ready for Wayland. Read for more info.

Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #2
I see. That's unfortunate. Thanks anyway.

Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #3
Check  plasma-wayland-protocols  and plasma-wayland-session installed or not
Create problems which don't have solution

Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #4
Looks like I didn't have plasma-wayland-protocols installed. Still won't log me in. I'm going to keep playing around with it to see if I can get it to work

Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #5
same issue here with same hardware. weston works fine though.

Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #6
same issue here. Lenovo laptop. x11 fine. Wayland just goes back to sddm login.


Re: Cannot Login to Plasma Wayland

Reply #7
Did you perhaps install through Calamares?
I had the same problem after a Calamares Plasma install, but it was resolved after trying a base install. Ensure that XDG_RUNTIME_DIR  is set (elogind service is running or pam_rundir is installed with seatd).