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Topic: Does Artix have ABS? (Read 581 times) previous topic - next topic
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Does Artix have ABS?

I can't get asp to work with Artix, is there an Arch Build System for Artix?

Re: Does Artix have ABS?

Reply #1
Not as far I know. It would be cool if there was. If there is please tell me someone. 
If you are not aware you can go here

Search for the package you want and then download its git eg.
git clone

You can build from that.
It would be nice if you could get all the packages at once but I suppose bandwidth is a concern ?
It would also be nice if asp could be made to work on Artix but that's way past my skillset.

Re: Does Artix have ABS?

Reply #3
A handy script/tool to make it simple to checkout/clone a package wouldn't be a bad idea. In the meantime, you can just git clone a specific package url. Unlike Arch, all of our packages have their own individual git repo so you don't have to worry about possibly cloning everything.

Re: Does Artix have ABS?

Reply #5
pakku -Sz / -Sn will download PKGBUILD's and build Artix packages from the official Artix repos, but not unofficial repos like universe. You can specify a package version, so you can build any version from gremlins back to when the package was first introduced in the Artix repos, each of the package's  PKGBUILD and related files is in a git repo so the git history allows this too. Pakku is an AUR helper too, and works with customizepkg to auto update and build modified packages. You might look at yaourtix too, although Pakku  avoids the slight (theoretical) security criticism that led to yaourt being deprecated.