Re: Why it's ridiculously dumb having a 100% random password
Reply #3 –
It is not that simple. See countermeasures .
While l letter frequency is fairly well researched and lists of known passwords are not necessarily short, I make it even simpler.
He gets from me not only the source code but also the output of it.
I can even print out the result and hang it on the wall next to the screen.
for ((i=1; i<=13; i++)); do echo -n "$i: " && cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:print:]' | fold -w 39 | sed -e 's/.\{3\}/& /g' | head -n 1 && echo; done
No, my friend, it's not as easy as you suggest here, because the talented hacker doesn't even know what my real user name is.