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Topic: [Help] dinit service for netbird (Read 698 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Help] dinit service for netbird

I am trying to make service for netbird , but service is terminated with
Code: [Select]
exit status: 2

Code: [Select]
type = process
command = /etc/dinit.d/scripts/netbird
Code: [Select]
[ -r conf ] && . ./conf
exec netbird service run --log-level info 1>&2

Please help to make it work
Create problems which don't have solution

Re: [Help] dinit service for netbird

Reply #2
Its missing PATH

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
type    = process
restart = true
command = /usr/bin/netbird service run --config /etc/netbird/config.json --log-level info --log-file /var/log/netbird.log 1>&2

or just export the path in your existing script
export PATH=/usr/bin

Re: [Help] dinit service for netbird

Reply #3
@vaapicon thank you for help
Create problems which don't have solution

Re: [Help] dinit service for netbird

Reply #4

Code: [Select]
type    = process
restart = true
command = /usr/bin/netbird service run --config /etc/netbird/config.json --log-level info --log-file /var/log/netbird.log 1>&2

You don't want the "1>&2" at the end; dinit won't process it (so it becomes an argument to netbird-service-run, which probably won't understand it either). You shouldn't need it anyway.


Re: [Help] dinit service for netbird

Reply #5
ok ty
Create problems which don't have solution