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Topic: [SOLVED] blender: error while loading shared libraries: (Read 876 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] blender: error while loading shared libraries:

Yesterday after I did a full system update (Pacman -Syu) blender stopped working.
Whenever I try to open blender I get this error message.
Code: [Select]
blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I looked into it and realised that was updated to But when I downgrade the opencolorio package to an older version which has I get the error message.
Code: [Select]
blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So it seems, for some reason blender requires the current version of libOpenColorIO and the previous one. But I'm not really sure how to install them both at the same time. Also I don't think blender should need 2 versions of the same library.
I've also tried completely uninstalling blender and all its dependencies, then reinstalling them, but that didn't fix the issue, should I just build it from source?

Re: blender: error while loading shared libraries:

Reply #1
I just ran into a similar issue while re-building a package. I wondered if anyone posted here about it and lo and behold, right at the top of my unread posts! I'm looking into it, I suspect I may have fudged the build order of some of these libraries that I recently brought in.

Re: blender: error while loading shared libraries:

Reply #2
Sorry for any inconvenience there. I believe your issue will be solved once openimageio- gets propagated to your mirror.

Re: blender: error while loading shared libraries:

Reply #3
ok, thanks  :D , I'll update it tommorow and see if the issue is fixed.

Re: blender: error while loading shared libraries:

Reply #4
Sorry for any inconvenience there. I believe your issue will be solved once openimageio- gets propagated to your mirror.
Just updated and yep, it's fixed, thanks a bunch!  :)