Chroot to an LFS disk does not work and no errors. Tested by running neofetch
Hello all,
I have decided to build an LFS system here on Artix. I have been following the documentation to the T, and have had no errors up to this point. Last night my PC became completely unresponsive and I had to force power off. I couldn't even switch between TTY shells. I rebooted and now I can't chroot into anything. What could have went wrong and how do I fix it? I'd like to be able to complete my LFS build. I can confirm this is happening because of the neofetch program not being installed on the PC. I ran the neofetch command and it claimed I was still root on my host machine. Here is a snippet of what I see: Artix-OpenRC-T430:[root]:/home/dtor# export LFS=/mnt/lfs
Artix-OpenRC-T430:[root]:/home/dtor# chroot "$LFS" /usr/bin/env -i
PS1='(lfs chroot) \u:\w\$ ' \
/bin/bash --login
Artix-OpenRC-T430:[root]:/home/dtor# exit
(lfs chroot) root:/home/dtor# neofetch
' root@Artix-OpenRC-T430
'o' ----------------------
'ooo' OS: Artix Linux x86_64
'ooxoo' Host: 23427YU ThinkPad T430
'ooxxxoo' Kernel: 5.18.10-artix1-1