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Topic: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute) (Read 547 times) previous topic - next topic
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Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)


$ pacman -Q libavif kimageformats :
libavif 0.11.1-1
kimageformats 5.99.0-3.1

kimageformats stopped supporting libaom/avif.

Result after update:

1. No avif thumbnails in Dolphin anymore
2. Gwenview can't display avif files anymore
3. SDDM/ Login can't display avif background anymore
4. Locking screen can't display avif background anymore

KDE (Antonio Rojas) claims its Arrtix bug and its the Artix that removed support from kimageformats. Can someone help? I am not going to discuss it, nor I have time to dispute it and be caught in between developers. I am not your mother.

Re: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)

Reply #1
I am not going to discuss it, nor I have time to dispute it and be caught in between developers. I am not your mother.
Odd attitude but maybe something is lost in translation.

It seems there are major changes. The latest arch version 5.100.0 (PKGBUILD has been changed but the package hasn't hit my mirror yet) removes three patches relating to avif.
I imagine this will be fixed as the artix version catches up ?

Yet of the versions available to me now from repo's, the arch one works with avif. The Artix one does not.
Repository      : world
Name            : kimageformats
Version         : 5.99.0-3.1
Description     : Image format plugins for Qt5
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : LGPL
Groups          : kf5
Provides        : None
Depends On      : qt5-base
Optional Deps   : karchive: plugin for Krita and OpenRaster images
                  libavif: AVIF format support
                  openexr: EXR format support
                  libheif: HEIF format support
                  libjxl: JPEG-XL format support
                  libraw: RAW format support
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 187.68 KiB
Installed Size  : 711.52 KiB
Packager        : Artix Build Bot <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Wed 09 Nov 2022 19:14:08 GMT
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

Repository      : extra
Name            : kimageformats
Version         : 5.99.0-3
Description     : Image format plugins for Qt5
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : LGPL
Groups          : kf5
Provides        : None
Depends On      : qt5-base
Optional Deps   : karchive: plugin for Krita and OpenRaster images
                  libavif: AVIF format support
                  openexr: EXR format support
                  libheif: HEIF format support
                  libjxl: JPEG-XL format support
                  libraw: RAW format support
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 187.78 KiB
Installed Size  : 711.52 KiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Tue 08 Nov 2022 22:54:23 GMT
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature
If you need it to work right now install the arch package
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -S  extra/kimageformats
If you don't have the arch repos enabled you could also build it manually.

Re: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)

Reply #2
Thank you for response. Question is WHY did repackaging from perfectly working Arch/Geniuine KDE is reapacked as BROKEN? Oh wow. I hope my question is legitimate. The genuine KDE package is nNOT present in Artix? Can I expect the fix, soon?

How many more packages are not genuine and are broken? Why would you remove the code from the package?

Sorry for being a PITA and attitude. Got me mad when I saw white screen and broken KDE config.

Re: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)

Reply #4
Question is WHY did repackaging from perfectly working Arch/Geniuine KDE is reapacked as BROKEN?
I don't know why and I'm not personally going to try and work it out. I'd never heard of avif until this thread

There's no such thing really as a 'Genuine KDE package' on arch or artix.
Generally speaking KDE make programs. Distro's package the programs.
The water is muddied by the existence of KDE Neon. So I suppose if using KDE Neon, or a Ubuntu based distro where you've added KDE's Plasma repo's, it could be said you have genuine KDE packages. Otherwise there are just packages.

Most Artix PKGBUILD's are identical to the Arch PKGBUILD's bar a maintainer line.
More changes are made when necessary to account for the lack of systemd.

In all honesty if you get mad so easily if something breaks then neither Arch nor Artix are probably the distro for you.
And if you want genuine KDE try KDE Neon.

Re: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)

Reply #5
How to Open AVIF File?
How to open AVIF files? The easiest way is using Chrome (v85 or later) or Firefox (v93 0r later) web browser because there’ s no need to download and install any add-ons. You can also try GIMP to open AVIF files. Besides, you can try the free nomacs image viewer to view AVIF files, and it’s compatible with Windows and macOS.

Also read: How to Open DDS Files on Windows? – Solved
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)

Reply #6
lazy sunday morning stuff - so a quick interweb search gives 18200 results...couldn't be bothered reading that lot, so downloaded a single .avif format pic of a pigeon on an urban street, Dolphin doesn't show the thumb obviously.  Did a quick search in AUR, returns a dozen or so with reference to avif.  Installed a non-orphaned one that referenced both avif and kde, and promptly installed it (said "y" to replacing libavif with the git version).  Voila, thumbnail showing in Dolphin, package installed was qt-avif-image-plugin-libavif-git. Time taken from start (interweb search), to package installed and thumbnail verified....errr....less than it took to write this.    ps.  I'm also not your mother.  Enjoy.   8)

Re: Update Regression: KDEs Antonio Rojas Claims It's Artix Bug (Developers Dispute)

Reply #7
its always worth referencing the version you have, and the actual version in the arch repo's too, 'cause when there's a big number of updates for a de, sometimes such additional things take a day or two to filter through to the artix repo's (it was only updated late on friday night in the Arch community repo...) which is a real great fail safe and seriously does make artix a lot more less prone to things slipping through that fundamentally bork your install....just update or install libavif now, and it's fine on the machine I'm now typing on (which is not the one i installed the aur package on).  Arch and its distro that are based on it or forked from it are no place for a person without an inquisitive mind or a degree of patience, such is the wonders of choosing to be on the bleeding edge.

And Sonic, be a decent person, go back into Endeavours forum and mark it as solved, you're not using it (EOS pulls straight from Arch repo's) and have already wasted Pedcak's time looking at this, he does it for love, not money you know, and you don't know how many other people are looking into it there too.  Ta.