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Topic: no can gimp no more (Read 2234 times) previous topic - next topic
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no can gimp no more

Mondays are Artix days, OS'es are just plug-ins for my apps
Artix Linux, Kernel=6.0.7-artix1-1.1 on x86_64,
DM=Unknown, DE=KDE, ST=x11,grub2, GPT, BIOS-boot

Today I just realised that I cannot launch gimp either. Reinstalled the last version  gimp-2.10.32-2 but trying to invoke it only produces

Code: [Select]
# gimp
Illegal instruction

Under /usr/bin is a gimp link pointing to gimp-2.10.32-2

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Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #1
Send us the output of this command:
Code: [Select]
strace gimp

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #3
Send us the output of this command:
Code: [Select]
strace gimp

Wednesdays are Slackware days so I booted Artix to get the  read and then Leap to post the result from where the "= -1"'s begin:

looks like a dependency issue but how can gimp install with dependency issues?

i.e. gimp was working before, it got done-in by some other upgrade?

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Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #4
>looks like a dependency issue but how can gimp install with dependency issues?

Not really, I don't see any opening of non-existent libraries or files, just a SIGILL with the si_code of "Illegal operand"

I don't know how or why, but apparently an x86 instruction is being called with illegal operands.

My guess is that this Gimp build is broken if you've updated.

If you're really desperate, I would highly suggest compiling Gimp from source to see if it works.

Does anyone else use Gimp that either works or has this problem?

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #5
The latest GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.32 runs without issue on my system.
I did just installed this. The configuration folder was a freshly created one. I do not have any 3rd party addons installed. So maybe some other 3rd package is causing the failure on start. Is it possible that a mirror has a damaged package?


Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #6
Today I just realised that I cannot launch gimp either. Reinstalled the last version  gimp-2.10.32-2 but trying to invoke it only produces

Code: [Select]
# gimp
Illegal instruction

Is there a particular reason or is KDE forcing you to use GIMP as root?
Strace may be powerful, but I would use GIMP diagnostics first:

Code: [Select]
gimp --verbose
gimp --help-all
man gimp
"Wer alles kann, macht nichts richtig"

Artix USE="runit openrc slim openbox lxde gtk2 qt4 qt5 qt6 conky
-gtk3 -gtk4 -adwaita{cursors,themes,icons} -gnome3 -kde -plasma -wayland "

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #8
see if you can run the gimp by absolute path
Code: [Select]
$ usr/bin/gimp

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #9
when my gimp is gimped i feel like a wimp and my ego blows up to the size of a blimp until it pops, deflated and limp.  -the simp.

mate dinit no issues with gimp.  i use it from artix repos doing the standard home user stuff to mostly crop images for memes or facebook updates and such.  

what repos are you using other than artix ones?  what have you installed from the aur that is gimp related?
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #10
Is there a particular reason or is KDE forcing you to use GIMP as root?
Strace may be powerful, but I would use GIMP diagnostics first:

Code: [Select]
gimp --verbose
gimp --help-all
man gimp

Not as root, I just like a simple prompt so I use the # character in gold as user and have it turned red when su'd as root

Sorry if it's confusing

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Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #11
see if you can run the gimp by absolute path
Code: [Select]
$ usr/bin/gimp

/usr/bin/gimp gives same result

I deleted gimp with

Code: [Select]
# pacman -R gimp

then deleted every instance of gimp I could find, then reinstalled it

Code: [Select]
# pacman -S gimp

I still get

Code: [Select]
# gimp
Illegal instruction

Artix Linux , Kernel=6.0.7-artix1-1 on x86_64,
DM=Unknown, DE=KDE, ST=x11,grub2, GPT, BIOS-boot

Who, has loved us more?

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #12
when my gimp is gimped i feel like a wimp and my ego blows up to the size of a blimp until it pops, deflated and limp.  -the simp.

mate dinit no issues with gimp.  i use it from artix repos doing the standard home user stuff to mostly crop images for memes or facebook updates and such. 

what repos are you using other than artix ones?  what have you installed from the aur that is gimp related?

I'm a Suse clickzombie, no idea what repos I'm using
Who, has loved us more?

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #13
delete gimp with
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rns gimp
also remove any existing gimp config in
Code: [Select]
remove any exiting cache by
Code: [Select]
pacman -Sc

install gimp again from artix's world repo
and check if output of this command is as mine. (I'm looking if there's some alias or wrapper)
Code: [Select]
$ which gimp
if you can't run gimp at this point try reinstalling all the gimp dependencies. here's the list
Code: [Select]
babl  dbus-glib  desktop-file-utils  gegl  glib-networking  hicolor-icon-theme  openjpeg2  lcms2  libheif  libexif  libgudev libmng  libmypaint  librsvg  libwebp  libwmf  libxmu  libxpm  mypaint-brushes1  openexr  poppler-data  gtk2  graphviz

Re: no can gimp no more

Reply #14
Has OP tried install debuginfod and gdb and running GIMP through it? Maybe it could show the offending source line.