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Topic: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please! [Solved] (Read 1632 times) previous topic - next topic
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Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please! [Solved]

Why are you guys doing this??? This isn't the first time, you guys know when you update QT5 stuff you have to update all of it at once or it breaks things like QT5CT theme-ing... I'm glad I've got a test PC for updates/etc otherwise I'd have all my QT5 apps broken....

And why do I get linux-zen-4.15.13 on two of my computers but not on the test PC? They've all got the same mirrorlist enabled in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist , they all use the same repos in /etc/pacman.conf too....

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #1
Why are you guys doing this??? This isn't the first time, you guys know when you update QT5 stuff you have to update all of it at once or it breaks things like QT5CT theme-ing... I'm glad I've got a test PC for updates/etc otherwise I'd have all my QT5 apps broken....

And why do I get linux-zen-4.15.13 on two of my computers but not on the test PC? They've all got the same mirrorlist enabled in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist , they all use the same repos in /etc/pacman.conf too....


qt5sc may need a rbuild, and it is not in our repos.
qt5 is not broken, using kde myself.

Linux-zen is also not in artix repos.

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #2
All I know is that when I updated stuff on my test-PC, it breaks qt5ct or qt5-styleplugins or something, making the QT5CT themes break...

How does Artix get QT5 updates before Arch? That's kind of odd... I didn't think it worked like that, I thought these things came first on Arch and then the packages would get to Artix..

I guess I'll have to make a package request for qt5-styleplugins or something. That would solve the QT5 themes breaking I think.... maybe also qt5ct, idk.

So one of my computers isn't using the same Arch repos as the other ones I guess that explains linux-zen.

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #3

So one of my computers isn't using the same Arch repos as the other ones I guess that explains linux-zen.

Any chance you meant mirrors instead of repositories?  How can you not use the same repositories?
Linux-zen must have come from Arch''s extra, unless you compiled your own from AUR or elsewhere.  It never came with any artix, as far as I know.
Extra should be one of the original repositories in any artix installation, so there shouldn't be any difference in that respect.  The only way you could have had linux-zen installed is if you intentionally installed it.
A long while ago I tried linux-zen and in one machine it was having problems (keyboard/mouse).  I then had tried linux-ck which worked very well and eventually linux-ck was avaialble trough the artix repositories.  Then the person that did it quit, so I returned to the linux from artix.

But I don't see how is qt5 related to the kernel.  About your test machine, unless it is running identical systems it is not much of a test machine. 

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #4
Yeah I meant mirrors not repos, sorry.

QT5 isn't related to the kernel, I didn't intend for it to seem that way either.

Also, about the Linux-ck kernel, I heard that guy who was doing it didn't actually quit & that was some sort of mistake, but maybe I'm wrong. I think I read that on the AUR linux-ck page.

Stopped using the linux-ck kernel when it would turn off my keyboard & mouse when I try to compile stuff with make -j8

Unless it is running identical systems it is not much of a test machine? Why? It runs Artix like almost all my other computers, I usually just try my updates on it first to see if it still works then I do updates on all my other computers.

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #5
You see how you say about -ck having problems in one machine, I never had a single "kernel related" problem with ck, but many problems with -zen.   If the package combination is not about the same an update that works on one machine may make the next one choke.  It is not safe to assume because something worked here it will work elsewhere, that's what I am saying.
When I run into problems with input devices before I reboot I try disconnecting and reconnecting them when on X.  If it works then it is most likely an X related problem and not kernel related.  If they are wireless than it is a blue problem more likely.  Then one day you do an update and the problem goes away.  I can't say I've had such problems with artix, with the exception of -zen which was never an artix kernel.

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #6
It wasn't one machine though with the linux-ck kernel, it was all of them, trying to run make -j8 made every computer I have stop the mouse & keyboard from working. Weirdest thing I ever saw, was just after linux-ck left the Artix repos & I had to install it from tar.xz from the website they host it on that has bad connection problems.

Would be nice if Artix put the linux-ck kernel back into the Artix repos, since I think its no longer being discontinued.... at least that's what I read on the linux-ck AUR page.

the package combination is not about the same an update that works on one machine may make the next one choke.  It is not safe to assume because something worked here it will work elsewhere, that's what I am saying.

Well its worked for me so far with QT5 problems & some other stuff.

Re: Stop breaking my QT5 compatibility please!!!

Reply #7
If the package combination is not about the same an update that works on one machine may make the next one choke.  It is not safe to assume because something worked here it will work elsewhere, that's what I am saying.

I have a better answer: not only QT5, but also OpenRC & Symlinks like the pacman symlink thing that happened not long ago(LIBPSL or something like that?), when they break, like networkmanager's symlink for example, its easier for me to solve that issue on my test PC and then apply those fixes to my main PC, that way I'm not stopped from connecting to the internet/etc & that way I can find fixes on my main PC. Sounds tedious but worth it for me. I know different hardware will have different effects with some stuff, but over-all this saves my butt on a regular basis.