Then I suspect the answer would be "No you wouldn't install it". Because there's no way of judging whether you are trustworthy if you are me or indeed anyone else other than friends and acquaintances you have a prior relationship with.
Your github is almost brand new. Your github links to a website which does not have it's own domain and is in the main just links back to precompiled binaries for Coolrune plus some crypto addresses for donations. Your account here is brand new though maybe you are already a member with another username ?
There's a lot of red flags. What evidence is there to show anyone who doesn't know you the answer to "is the developer trustworthy" ?
You haven't addressed And you may have source for Login-Sound-for-Linux on your github but what is installed from there is a pre compiled binary StartSound. Which I guess is a self contained python executable generated from ?
But equally could be a rootkit which also plays a sound ? Why can't you just leave it as a python script (it's only 4 lines) and make sure the scripts dependencies are installed ?
It's a dichotomy to me the concept of installing a 'hardened' system whilst at the same time installing binaries of unknown provenance.
This doubt can be largely avoided by not installing your own pre-compiled binaries. Stick to packages from the repos or have the script build them from source so the provenance can be checked.
If you do need to patch konsole or patch dnscrypt-proxy then have the script download the build files and patch the PKGBUILD to patch the source and compile it locally. Then it can be reviewed by potential users. But bear in mind if you have patched them your changes would be lost the next time the package updates pre-compiled binary or not. If you haven't patched them their presence does concern me.
Also increasing the readability of the main script would be nice
Your line 6
pacman-key --init && pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed p7zip && mkdir /home/CoolRune-Files && cd /home/CoolRune-Files && curl -RO && curl -RO && curl -RO && curl -RO && 7z e CoolRune-Pacman-1.7z -o/etc -y && pacman-key --refresh && pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed artix-keyring archlinux-keyring artix-archlinux-support && pacman-key --recv-key FBA220DFC880C036 --keyserver && pacman-key --lsign-key FBA220DFC880C036 && pacman -U --noconfirm '' '' && 7z e CoolRune-Pacman-2.7z -o/etc -y && pacman-key --populate archlinux artix && curl -RO && curl -RO && pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed &&
Your line 18 pacman -R --noconfirm linux linux-headers epiphany xfce4-terminal xfce4-screenshooter parole xfce4-taskmanager mousepad leafpad xfburn ristretto xfce4-appfinder atril artix-branding-base artix-grub-theme mpv xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-notes-plugin && 7z x CoolRune-Files.7z -o/ -y && 7z x CoolRune.7z -o/ -y && 7z x CoolRune-NVIDIA-Patch.7z -o/ -y && chattr +i /etc/hosts && s6-service add default apparmor && s6-service add default fail2ban && s6-service add default NetworkManager && s6-service add default dnscrypt-proxy && rm /etc/s6/adminsv/default/contents.d/connmand && chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf && s6-db-reload && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && grub-install && update-grub && read -rep $'!!! Extract CoolRune-Dotfiles.7z in /home/yourusername using pcmanfm. This file can be found in /home/CoolRune-Files. Press enter to restart your computer when the files are extacted. ' && reboot
mkdir /home/CoolRune-Files
cd /home/CoolRune-Files
curl -RO
curl -RO
curl -RO
curl -RO
7z e CoolRune-Pacman-1.7z -o/etc -y
pacman-key --refresh
pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed artix-keyring archlinux-keyring artix-archlinux-support
pacman-key --recv-key FBA220DFC880C036 --keyserver
pacman-key --lsign-key FBA220DFC880C036
pacman -U --noconfirm '' ''
7z e CoolRune-Pacman-2.7z -o/etc -y
pacman-key --populate archlinux artix
curl -RO
curl -RO
pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed
andpacman -R --noconfirm linux linux-headers epiphany xfce4-terminal xfce4-screenshooter parole xfce4-taskmanager mousepad leafpad xfburn ristretto xfce4-appfinder atril artix-branding-base artix-grub-theme mpv xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-notes-plugin
7z x CoolRune-Files.7z -o/ -y
7z x CoolRune.7z -o/ -y
7z x CoolRune-NVIDIA-Patch.7z -o/ -y
chattr +i /etc/hosts
s6-service add default apparmor
s6-service add default fail2ban
s6-service add default NetworkManager
s6-service add default dnscrypt-proxy
rm /etc/s6/adminsv/default/contents.d/connmand
chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
read -rep $'!!! Extract CoolRune-Dotfiles.7z in /home/yourusername using pcmanfm. This file can be found in /home/CoolRune-Files. Press enter to restart your computer when the files are extacted. '
I pray I'm not the only one who needs to see what these sort of scripts are doing?