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Topic: Chrome Remote Desktop with DWM on OpenRC? (Read 777 times) previous topic - next topic
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Chrome Remote Desktop with DWM on OpenRC?

Hi there, trying to get this setup and have been scouring docs as such: but I still am getting the following output when I attempt to connect my machine. Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

Code: [Select]
2023-02-08 16:20:17,724:WARNING:Failed to get xserver-xorg-video-dummy version: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dpkg-query'
2023-02-08 16:20:17,724:INFO:Launching X server and X session.
2023-02-08 16:20:17,724:INFO:Setting up and launching session
2023-02-08 16:20:17,731:INFO:Starting Xorg on display :20
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
/usr/lib/Xorg.wrap: Only console users are allowed to run the X server
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":20".
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 2258, in <module>
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 2235, in main
    desktop.launch_session(options.args, backoff_time)
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 1051, in launch_session
    super(XDesktop, self).launch_session(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 496, in launch_session
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 1192, in _launch_server
    self._launch_xorg(display, x_auth_file, extra_x_args)
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 1140, in _launch_xorg
  File "/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop", line 1079, in _wait_for_x
    raise Exception("Could not connect to X server.")
Exception: Could not connect to X server.
2023-02-08 16:20:27,780:INFO:Cleanup.
2023-02-08 16:20:27,780:INFO:Sending SIGTERM to display server proc (pid=30050)
[0208/] Child exited with status 1

Here is what I have in the config file:
Code: [Select]
# You will have to uncomment one of the following lines for CRD to work
# Remove the # and save the file

export $(dbus-launch)


exec /usr/bin/startx

Not sure what kind of headache I'm getting myself into here...


Re: Chrome Remote Desktop with DWM on OpenRC?

Reply #1
The latest from AUR:
ewuplse01 commented on 2023-02-08 21:52 (UTC)
xf86-video-dummy needs to be added as a dependancy. /usr/bin/xorg/Xorg cannot be found in Arch and causes Xorg to fail when launching CRD as a service.
The required Xorg binary for Arch is /usr/bin/Xorg and the CRD service will start correctly if you create the symlink /usr/bin/xorg/Xorg to this Xorg binary.