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Topic: Packagers wanted! (Read 65209 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #78
I want to help

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #79
After my installation issue is resolved, I may be able to help.

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #80
I am a newbie artix user (previously was using Antix and before that Debian). Please count me in

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #81
count me
but i am novice  :-[

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #82
To @artik & @zenobit: your offers are greatly appreciated but, unfortunately, there's no easy way into this. You need to familiarize yourselves with PKGBUILDs, which means you should try to maintain a couple of packages you use on the AUR. Once you're ready, you will know it.

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #83
i dont have much free time, but love artix , hate systemd , and would like to give a hand when possible.

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #84
Hi! i've been using artix for a while and i've used Arch for years, and i would like to contribute sooo... count me in!


Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #85
@shadowstep & @Tommaso
Please, join #artix at Freenode (you'll need a registered nick because spam) and ask to be invited to #artix-dev. Not everyone is always online, but eventually someone will. Cheers!

[EDIT] After the Freenode takeover, Artix has moved to Libera network: -- TLS/SSL ports 6697, 7000 and 7070.

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #86
Sure, I can probably churn out a few.  I've written a lot of slackbuilds and I have done a few PKGBUILDs at one point so it shouldn't be too much trouble for me to figure it out again.

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #87
I would be interested. Is it required that packaging is done on Artix?

I can for sure do from my PC but i have a couple VPS's that are running Arch. Would those work as well? I ask only because i sometimes have to give up my PC to my son but would still be able to access VPS to do packaging.

I've used Arch for quite some time. Have some understanding of PKGBUILD's but have never really created one from scratch.

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #88
I would be interested. Is it required that packaging is done on Artix?

I can for sure do from my PC but i have a couple VPS's that are running Arch. Would those work as well? I ask only because i sometimes have to give up my PC to my son but would still be able to access VPS to do packaging.

I've used Arch for quite some time. Have some understanding of PKGBUILD's but have never really created one from scratch.
Well, good intentions is as good a start as any. All current developers and packagers started following the same procedure!

Re: Packagers wanted!

Reply #89
I wouldn't mind helping at all, I just need to read up on how to do it.

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