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Topic: linux-lts fails to boot on thinkpad t460p (Read 342 times) previous topic - next topic
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linux-lts fails to boot on thinkpad t460p

I was hoping to use this kernel so that I don't have to be constantly rebuilding zfs-dkms from AUR every time the regular kernel is updated (which is waaay too often!).

There's some error about not being able to find the root filesystem and that ext4 is unsupported?! The laptop is locked up solid at this point: can't type, change VT, or even ctrl-alt-del; the only thing to do is power off and go to rescue USB stick and boot kernel 6.3.4 .

My boot drive is not ZFS or BTRFS: it's just ext4 and 3 simple partitions: EFI, the root filesystem, and some swap.  ZFS is on a secondary data-only drive. (ZFS on root is too high maintenance for me.)

The only thing I have customized is I use the refind bootloader instead of the byzantine trainwreck bootloader known as grub.

Could it be nvidia? I have GeForce 940MX and I have installed no special drivers: lsmod shows there's some nouveau modules loaded.


Re: linux-lts fails to boot on thinkpad t460p

Reply #1
I was hoping to use this kernel so that I don't have to be constantly rebuilding zfs-dkms from AUR every time the regular kernel is updated (which is waaay too often!).

I'm not sure if I get this, but what's so special about the zfs module? I also use other modules from aur and they just sync up, dkms installs them automatically for the updated kernel, and it worked like clockwork with nothing needing to be rebuilt, apart from initrd of course :-) Does that take too long or it's inconvenient or something?

You can try linux-lts515 in hopes that it's more compatible.