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Topic: Vlc downgrade (Read 1130 times) previous topic - next topic
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Vlc downgrade

I hate the last version of VLC 3.0: it has less features, it freezes the whole display sometimes, and it is less stable overall ie when I  open a lot of small videos from the phone.

I stopped using it until I find a way to downgrade to the 2.0.

what is the easiest way to do that in Artix?

Re: Vlc downgrade

Reply #1
Ok, easy to do :

sudo pacman -S downgrade
sudo downgrade vlc

and it even ask you to do that:

add vlc to IgnorePkg? [y/n]

Re: Vlc downgrade

Reply #2
You could have also cd'd to /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ and ran
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -U $desired_previous_version_of_vlc.xz
(obviously you'd enter in the correct package name instead of what I put there)

And not have had to install any other helper apps.

Also obvious, the previous version of the package would have to still be in the cache for this to work.  But if you're not in the habit of cleaning out the cache then it will be there.  I don't clean out mine just for this reason.
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