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Topic: Help broken arch linux (Read 2673 times) previous topic - next topic
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Help broken arch linux

i deleted glibc i have to boot from a livecd what livecd is suggested arch linux or Artix iso?

Re: Help broken arch linux

Reply #1
Doesn't really matter, but if you're on Artix, you might as well use the artix-iso. You'll have to use "artools-chroot", etc.

Re: Help broken arch linux

Reply #2
Thanks i tried to use unetbootin using a usb drive but it doent boot, i have the same problem that in this post
i read  the wiki and in the wiki it say this
Using UNetbootin

UNetbootin can be used on any Linux distribution or Windows to copy your iso to a USB device. However, Unetbootin overwrites syslinux.cfg, so it creates a USB device that does not boot properly. For this reason, Unetbootin is not recommended -- please use dd or one of the other methods discussed in this topic.
Warning: UNetbootin writes over the default syslinux.cfg; this must be restored before the USB device will boot properly.

Edit syslinux.cfg:


default menu.c32
prompt 0
menu title Archlinux Installer
timeout 100

label unetbootindefault
menu label Archlinux_x86_64
kernel /arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz
append initrd=/arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img archisodevice=/dev/sdx1 ../../

In /dev/sdx1 you must replace x with the first free letter after the last letter in use on the system where you are installing Arch Linux (e.g. if you have two hard drives, use c.). You can make this change during the first phase of boot by pressing Tab when the menu is shown.
In Windows

how should i edit the syslinux.cfg file in order to boot?

Re: Help broken arch linux

Reply #3

Try isousb from the repositories to write out a bootable usb stick. I have had good luck with it.


Re: Help broken arch linux

Reply #4
Thanks i was able to make a arch usb booteable stick downloading the arch iso and with this command
dd bs=4M if=/home/bla bla bla of=/dev/sdc status=progress && sync

much better than unetbootin i think i will go to sleep and try to repair the system tomorrow but at least the usb drive work now.


Re: Help broken arch linux

Reply #5
For years now I keep asking why this continues to be a question:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=32M

or some variation thereof...

Thanks i tried to use unetbootin using a usb drive but it doent boot, i have the same problem that in this post
i read  the wiki and in the wiki it say this
Using UNetbootin

UNetbootin can be used on any Linux distribution or Windows to copy your iso to a USB device. However, Unetbootin overwrites syslinux.cfg, so it creates a USB device that does not boot properly. For this reason, Unetbootin is not recommended -- please use dd or one of the other methods discussed in this topic.
Warning: UNetbootin writes over the default syslinux.cfg; this must be restored before the USB device will boot properly.

Edit syslinux.cfg:


default menu.c32
prompt 0
menu title Archlinux Installer
timeout 100

label unetbootindefault
menu label Archlinux_x86_64
kernel /arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz
append initrd=/arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img archisodevice=/dev/sdx1 ../../

In /dev/sdx1 you must replace x with the first free letter after the last letter in use on the system where you are installing Arch Linux (e.g. if you have two hard drives, use c.). You can make this change during the first phase of boot by pressing Tab when the menu is shown.
In Windows

how should i edit the syslinux.cfg file in order to boot?