[SOLVED] LUKS partition not bootable after upgrade, kernel downgrade didn't work 17 April 2023, 06:00:25 I just get a blank screen, the partition is no longer bootable it seems.I'm not sure what version the kernel I was upgrading from was (I recently cleared my pacman cache as instructed here: https://wiki.artixlinux.org/Main/Troubleshooting#Invalid_or_corrupted_packages_.28PGP_signature.29), but I update somewhat regularly.I have LVM with 2 logical volumes, root and swap, within a LUKS2 partition.I boot from an EFISTUB.I am able to use a LiveCD to cryptsetup luksOpen the partition and then mount and artix-chroot into the filesystem.I downgraded the kernel to linux-zen-6.2.8, with accompanying zen-headers, but to no avail.Right now I sort of suspect the EFISTUB, but I'm not sure.Any help is appreciated. Last Edit: 18 April 2023, 20:18:29 by Hitman
Re: LUKS partition not bootable after upgrade, kernel downgrade didn't work Reply #1 – 18 April 2023, 17:48:42 Update: FIXED.The problem was that i was not mounting the boot partition before downgrading/installing the kernel, so the images were being installed on the root partition.Downgraded to linux-zen-6.2.3 and it worked.