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Removal of Arch [community]

On Monday there was a news on Arch Linux site, where one of points was merging [community] into [extra]. Would it have any impact on Artix repositories?

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #1
Yes, the current plan is to follow suit and merge galaxy into world.

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #2
Are there any other changes in PKGBUILDs repos structure? It seems main/desktop/addons/initsys repos are gone, how do i access PKGBUILDs in ARMtix build system now?

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #3
For Arch Linux PKGBUILD's, if those are of interest, this is the replacement to ASP:
pkgctl repo clone will get the PKGBUILD's from here, looking at src/lib/, afaict:
It also might not work in Artix without modification as there are some refs to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist which would be mirrorlist-arch in Artix as one obvious thing I saw while looking for that info, in config/pacman/extra.conf.

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #4
That's not what i asked actually. ARMtix build system heavily relies on the existence of some monorepo(s) with sources for all packages to fetch updates from and put packages in build queue. The thing is, packages with arm-specific patches also live in a monorepo and a patched package can only be built if it was simultaneously updated in both monorepos.
Without monorepos from Artix this logic breaks. The only way for me to fetch packages becomes fetching list of all repos from gitea and syncing my local list with it. To me this sounds like a very poor logic and also requires a major change in build system, and i'm not sure how much time it may requiere to implement it. Looks like ALARM project also faces this problem now.
As such, may i ask Artix development team to keep some monorepo for ARMtix builds? I think, it can be updated via CI to reduce manual intervention

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #5
Thank you for the explanation, I've also been following this with interest to see where PKGBUILD's in general will be located, and wasn't sure if that would be helpful or not to you.
Code: [Select]
$ git clone
Cloning into 'less'...
remote: Not found.
Looks like the gitea server is being rearranged and the packages(suffix) structure has disappeared, hence Yaourtix will need modification - I was going to suggest you could copy that concept and loop through a list of packages to retrieve the pkgbuilds if you had to, but some other approach might be required now when things settle down and a pattern can be established to programmatically determine the URL to clone from.

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #6
Yeah there's several ongoing changes right now.

The letter suffix is being dropped from the urls so it should be just now. Something like packagesPython might remain for python packages though. Not sure.

Are there any other changes in PKGBUILDs repos structure? It seems main/desktop/addons/initsys repos are gone, how do i access PKGBUILDs in ARMtix build system now?

Yeah those superrepos are no longer going to be used. Arch's new monorepo is the state repo in gitlab now. I think we'll probably end up with something similar. It's still a work in progress though.

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #7
If I could just make the humble request from the Artix devs to provide us users with a general guideline on what adjustments to our configuration files once the migration has been completed. It would obviously be super helpful.

Thank you all always for your hard work in maintaining this distribution that I've called home for nearly two years now. It's run smoothly and the community here has been very helpful whenever I've run into small issues. ☮️

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #9
Yeah those superrepos are no longer going to be used. Arch's new monorepo is the state repo in gitlab now. I think we'll probably end up with something similar. It's still a work in progress though.
Hi, are there any updates on this? Is some sort of state repo planned or it won't be implemented?

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #10

Hi, are there any updates on this? Is some sort of state repo planned or it won't be implemented?

Sorry about that. Yeah, we've been trucking along OK without such a repo so I'm thinking it probably won't happen. You could try writing a tool that uses libalpm to query the databases directly. Here's an example of what we're using for Arch/Artix differences:

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #11
I have used the packages link to find PKGBUILDS in the past and recently found I couldn't see the sources of the runit package. That was called an obscure bug (see,5471.0.html).

I now find that all the links I test are returning 404; I assume that linux version marked as 5.16.16.artix1-1 and dated 2022-03-22 12:25:22 just means the search pages are unmaintained. 

While the sources are being re-organised I assume that I'm looking at the wrong place. Where can I find the PKGBUILD sources?

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #12
Yeah those superrepos are no longer going to be used. Arch's new monorepo is the state repo in gitlab now. I think we'll probably end up with something similar. It's still a work in progress though.
Hi, are there any updates on this? Is some sort of state repo planned or it won't be implemented?

We not gonna have a centralized state repo any time soon.
However, we will go intermediate before any server side state repo, and have a repo tracking yaml file in the package git repo.

Monorepos are gone,  we maybe have a bot to assemble a monorepo later on, for pure user convenience, but it is atm not the most pressing issue.

Re: Removal of Arch [community]

Reply #14 is not even maintained. Unfortunately it still seems to be linked on the front page for some reason (thought someone removed that).